How to check how good your brain is


Analyzing brain scintigraphy, the researchers found that younger people than those with a grayer brain mass were "critical" parts of the brain, which is a sign that brain is healthier [19659002] The gray mass has many functions in the brain, including cleaning the brain of excess chemistry and glucose transport

They feel younger than they have better results on memory tests and are less prone to the symptoms of depression.

To analyze the impact of a subjective experience of age – what people feel, less realistic that they – researchers surveyed 84 years old feel old and then compared these answers with scans of the brain.

Judging by Professor Džinang's Che who led the studies those who feel younger have the structural features they of the younger brain.

These results were such and when other factors, such as personality, subjective health, depressive symptoms, cognitive functions are involved

. than people who feel older than they think about biological changes or lifestyle choices.

"If someone feels older than him, this can be a sign of reflection on his lifestyle, his habits and his activities that contribute to aging brain, and to make more effort. for brain health, "explains Professor Čej.

The prospect of being older than we can possibly be the indicator of some of the most serious problems, such as the early stages of dementia, has shown this study. Emphasize that awareness of the subjective feeling of our age is very important as it provides information about the brain that can not be found differently.

How much do you feel? do I stay in touch with my year?

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