I hope I will congratulate Makron live


"And for whom I am going to applaud, I never hide, and it is not very important", he answered the question for which he will be crowned in the final of the World Cup

. According to him, some have banned Croatia from encouraging Russia.

Vučić answered questions from the press after opening a gym in Mionica, reminding us that in 2017 we achieved the greatest sports success. , that it is mainly the result of the work and tremendous efforts of the athletes, but also that the state provided them

"I want Novak's success, he is my master, I am have done everything with the help of my family, the state has done nothing here, "he noted, adding that the government wanted to help water polo, heightened the club competition. ..

Grade, he added, the new platoon of execution, the national training center for all martial arts, "we correct many things from the past …"

"And those who hold on I finish the sleeves as some have done and I encourage everyone to see him and talk – see how the chair feels … because this painting does not include not Because, as he says, it is not for us to bend to their successes, but to provide them with conditions.

"Then we can sit at home and encourage them "How much we can," said Vucic, adding that he will ask more footballers, that he will look for even better conditions, because our clubs need to be better.

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