I KNOW WHAT WILL BE NORMAL: Sanja Kužet talked about what Popovic is preparing for the new Grand Prix season! | Stars


Sanja Kužet was the contender of the music of last year, and she has now revealed the details of the new season.

The speaker first spoke about how she handled the psychological state of the jury.

"Everything was marked by last season, Jelena was singing, when Sasha was getting up on his shoulders, we were all there, Lukas had a period of nervousness going on to the candidates, back away and do not regret, to burn him, then he directs the direction of the show, "said Sanja, and admitted that she felt that someone would be a star:

photo: Printscreen

"I recognize that someone is crazy to sing, and if someone wins, no one can say it … The one who gets it every week gets it. it is obvious that there will be a final, and no one will win knows. "

She told him what to do next season.

"Nobody knows what's waiting for us, but I know it will be crazy, Popovic still has an advantage in the heat, but he would not find it now," said Sanja.

photo: Printscreen YouTube

Kurir.rs/Telegraf, Photo: Damir Dervisagic


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