"I want to see who is the worst competitor!" • HAPPYTV.RS


STEFAN KLUN REJIO TO HOST THE CAMPER: "I want to see who is the toughest competitor!"

Last night, like every Friday, the campers organized the most stupid barking of Balkans . our competitors rejoiced in the early hours of the morning, with well chosen music and alcohol, they still do not live today. Stefan Klun a 20-year-old soldier, had a connection with Hristin Veličkovic when they came to rejuvenate. " After the nightmare, their relationship was snuggled because Stefan was too close to one of the guests.

However, the camper was today, he wanted entertain all participants, so he organized a creative game, limbo dance.

See which of the campers was the most successful in the game today (19659003)

Photo: Archive

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