If you do not have a big cab this morning, that means you've been malnourished telegraph


Are you among those who can not get up in the morning, even when they have had a good cup of coffee? Despite the fact that caffeine helps to break down, many do not feel its effect. Research conducted on drivers shows that this condition of "immunity to caffeine" can be overcome.

You will not believe it, but the best tip is still to sleep.

The experts of the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Lafborou in the United Kingdom came to the conclusion that fifteen minutes of sleep, after teasing coffee, increases the chills Caffeine takes 45 minutes to complete, taking the body.

It's a long time after coffee, because the brain then enters the deeper phases of sleep. Research shows that it is the best solution for smoking fifteen minutes after taking a coffee. Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine compounds, which accumulates more in the body that a person is more awake and ends up sleeping.

If you are afraid immediately after coffee and you can avoid the consequences, you will be able to "cheat" the body.

Photo: Pixabay.com / If you are hungry just after coffee, you will be able to "trick" the body

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