IF YOU MEAN WHAT IS NORMAL PRESS 120 WITH 80 WHOLESALE WARNINGS: Leekars issued new guidelines! | Lifestyle


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High blood pressure is a common problem and causes insomnia headache the bad mood is not trivial either because it can increase the risk of heart attack of heart disease and other diseases

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The opinion that normal blood pressure is 120 to 80 and that all values ​​are on this signal to be addressed to a cardiologist, is no longer valid.

There are new guidelines that have changed the normal pressure to 10 and there are now 130 to 80.

The European Association of Cardiology published new guidelines in 2016, with normal pressure up to 140 systolic (upper blood pressure measurement) and 90 diastolic (lower number) .

However, this is no longer true. New medical guides have been adopted, reducing the normal pressure to 130 to 80.

The experts decided on this change and lowered these values ​​because they believe that the number of obese and malnourished people who are at risk for hypertension continues to grow.

Some of the symptoms of high blood pressure can be: tiredness, headache, confusion, blurred vision, chest pain, nasal bleeding, tinnitus and irregular heartbeat.

A more alarming symptom is pre-hypertension (when blood pressure is higher than normal). However, only half of the population regulates their blood pressure and this includes all three-thirds full-time.

You must pay special attention to this condition. Foods that affect high blood pressure should be avoided: foods high in salt (processed and preserved foods), alcohols (taken in normal amounts as they lower blood pressure), caffeine (too much caffeine increases the pressure and therefore the reduced) sugar (a large amount of sugar is more dangerous than salt) and omega-6 fats (found in all packaged foods).

The risk of high blood pressure can come from: lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol, aging, salt, excessive potassium and pregnancy

You should do a little exercise to keep potassium and lower your blood pressure.



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