Import duties on US goods immediately came into effect


China announced today that the export refunds supported by the United States were "immediately effective" soon after Washington increased taxes on imports of Chinese products from the United States. worth $ 34 billion. Beijing has already announced that countermeasures would be applied to American products worth $ 34 billion, including soybeans, electric cars and whiskey, and that the fees would be $ 25 billion.

"Since the United States imposed unfair taxes on Chinese products, our taxes on a portion of US products also came into effect immediately," Hu said.

Asian stock indexes are gaining today. Before the end of the exchanges, the Japanese Nike 225 in the most is 1.1%, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.5%, and Hong Kong's Hang Seng, while South Korea Kospi in the more than 0.7%

He said the additional Chinese tax of US $ 16 billion would come into effect in two weeks

After that, hostile movements could become more intense. Tramp announced that the United States is ready to impose taxes on imports of Chinese goods of $ 200 billion, then $ 300 billion if Beijing does not accept US demands and continues with counter-movements.

of a total value of $ 550 billion, and China exported $ 506 billion worth of goods to the United States last year.

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