In Serbia, 11 people were suffering from West Nile fever | Society


Tanjug |

July 11, 2018 13:03 |

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There were 11 people infected with fever in West Nile, and mosquito-infected viruses were found in 29 places

In the territory of Serbia, 11 people were infected by fever Those who transmit the virus were found at 29 places, data from the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut"

They came from the South Banat District (five), Belgrade ( four), South Backa District and the Danube Region.

Eight men and three women aged 43 to 83 were suffering from West Nile fever.

In addition to monitoring the presence of viruses in humans, the Veterinary Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Biocides and Medical Ecology control the Nile Fever virus Western and mosquitoes.

Branislav Pešić, of the Institute of Biocides and Medical Ecology, said that his teams had so far detected the presence of West Nile virus in Belgrade in eight municipalities.

READ AND I : West Nile Virus in August

He recalled that in addition to controlling infected mosquitoes throughout Serbia, the Institute is working also on the control of mosquitoes, but only on the territory of Belgrade

"When we determine the presence of viruses in mosquitoes, our teams come out on the ground in the evening and their removal is done." He said he had indicated that eight municipalities in Belgrade, where the infected mosquitoes were found, were removed and that subsequently no control of the presence of the virus was established during the check, there is therefore no reason to worry about the citizens.

Pešić recommended to all citizens to adhere to the general measures of mosquito control, which means that in the evening and early morning, when they go out into the wild, they wear sleeves Long socks and long socks

This is to repel the repellent. If they live on the coastal area where there are a lot of mosquitoes, it is recommended to place the mesh on the windows, "said Pesic

From 2012 to 2017, 574 cases of fever in West Nile have been registered in Serbia. Most people infected with West Nile virus have no symptoms, while fewer infected people have flu-like symptoms

In less than one percent of cases, there are serious complications of the disease. meningitis and encephalitis

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