In Serbia, 4 people died, 60 were infected with West Nile fever


Epidemiologist Darija Kisic Tepavcevic of the Batut Institute says that the presence of this virus has been recorded in 53 regions in Serbia up to now, but that does not mean that the number of people infected increases.

and adequate measures are implemented, she says. In all the places where certain activities were carried out, the presence of this virus was not recorded subsequently, "said Kisic Tepavcevic at RTS

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It can be changed day by day, but it is important to perform systematic surveillance and control of seasonal diseases.

"It is important to point out that this disease is transmitted exclusively by mosquitoes, but not all. but what counts for a man can not go beyond the concentration of the virus in his blood is low, "says Kisic Tepavcevic.

She stated that more than 80% of infected people had no symptoms and signs of infection and that the sting did not differ from any other mosquito bite

the percentage of infected persons exhibits symptoms similar to the flu, most do not report to the doctor, the disease is too low and he does not know that he has and at a low percentage, one to 150 can have complications in the form of an infection of the central nervous system. "Kisic Tepavcevic

She added that the probability involvement is greater among those who already have chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes

Kisic Tepavcevic recalled that the virus had been recorded in Serb ie in 2012 but, as and sooner. "

" It seems that the public speaks sporadically about this. However, there is indeed a multisectoral and systemic approach to this disease. Since the first year the disease was recorded, it is the control of West Nile fever in the human population, "said Kisic Tepavcevic at the RTS.

She adds that the Institute of Medical ecology also monitors this virus in the mosquito population, that the Veterinary Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture has examined the presence of this virus in horses and birds.

The surveillance of this virus being continues before the first cases of the disease are detected to react adequately at a given moment

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