In Vojvodina, 25 people infected with West Nile fever


However, the Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina (IZJZV) says that the presence of the virus has been identified by more citizens, so the number of people infected in Vojvodina is certainly greater than 25.

the epidemiologist IZJZV, Dr. Svetlana Ilic, there is no panic place because in most cases, the disease goes unnoticed without any symptoms.

At-risk groups are children of the youngest and elderly with chronic diseases

"About 15% of those infected have flu-like symptoms, headaches, muscle aches, and mild rashes, while in less than one percent of people, there may be aseptic meningitis or encephalitis with truncated results, "says Dr. Svetlana Ilic

this year, mosquitoes transmit the virus much earlier than usual the first patients contacted the doctor in early June

Therefore, the "cyclonization" of Novi Sad in cooperation with the municipal administration began the treatment of mosquito breeding since April

"They have appeared before, but they are not surprised and we are one of the few companies to destroy mosquitoes. This year, to date, we have had more treatments than the previous year and a half, I must also say that the West Nile fever virus is transferred from birds to mosquitoes, and humans. they are not so-called "tigers", as reported by the media, but ordinary domestic mosquitoes, "Dario Acimovic, director of public relations of" Cyclone "Novi Sad

In addition to the destruction mosquitoes, doctors remind the importance of prevention or advise people to prepare for their stay in nature by applying repellents that refuse mosquitoes. long sleeves and socks, and remove from their courts or terraces all objects collecting water collecting larvae and mosquitoes.

The presence of fever virus in West Nile in Serbia was confirmed in 2012, and experts say he needs it [ad_2]
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