Incredibly useful: 12 foods that lower cholesterol! | Beautiful and healthy


Cholesterol is in a bad voice, but we must keep in mind that our body needs a certain amount of cholesterol . A wax-like substance moves through our veins and helps produce certain hormones and vitamin D.

Our body regulates this process and produces exactly as much cholesterol as necessary . Our daily decisions about what we eat will help increase cholesterol levels.

When cholesterol gets too high, we get in trouble because it leads to heart disease.

When do you think cholesterol is too high?

There are several important indicators your doctor should pay attention to:

– total cholesterol

– LDL or "harmful" cholesterol – this cholesterol contributes most to the formation of arterial deposits

– HDL or "good" cholesterol – this cholesterol cleans the arteries

– triglycerides – type of fat in the blood

The normal cholesterol level is less than 200 milligrams per deciliter of blood. LDL cholesterol should be less than 100 mg, and the preferred HDL is greater than 60 mg. The optimal level of triglycerides is less than 150 mg per decile.

Since people with high cholesterol are at risk for heart disease, it is important to bring it to an acceptable level . If cholesterol levels are high, one of the options is cholesterol-lowering drugs or supplements. Another solution is lifestyle changes: weight loss exercise, dietary changes that reduce the presence of food with excess cholesterol.

There are many foods that are extremely useful:

If we talk about heart health we can not recommend oatmeal but also other cereals, like barley. The cereal is full of fiber, maintains a fortune for a long time and reduces the need for a midwife.

But it's not just that the fibers keep you slim . Soluble fiber, the type of body that can digest, reduces the cholesterol we absorbed.


Fats significantly reduce cholesterol levels. First, when you eat fish, you do not eat meat, which is a major source of LDL cholesterol. Then, fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna have a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, which lowers triglyceride levels.


Put them in salads, add them with oat flakes grated when you are hungry between meals. As many studies confirm, each nut contributes to total cholesterol .

Olive oil

Replacing the saturated fats present in butter, unsaturated in oil, is certainly a good idea – both for the width of your size and for your heart. In this way, you can reduce cholesterol and the use of olive oil increases the level of "good" HDL cholesterol.


A medium-sized apple contains about 4 grams of LDL-reducing fiber, about 17 percent of the preferred daily dose. An apple remembers every day you leave for a cardiologist!


Strawberries abound in pectin, soluble fibers that reduce LDL. A recent study showed that fortifying the heart's health diet for strawberries has the same effect as eating cereals – and they are incredibly tasty!

Previous Citrusi

All citrus fruits abound in pectin – orange grapefruit, lemon. Extra fiber in your diet will decrease blood pressure – which is certainly good for your heart.

Mahunarke – Summary

Mahunarke is an excellent source of soluble fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety and reduces cholesterol. Recent studies have shown that people who eat half cups of beans or lentils a day for a period of 24 weeks reduce cholesterol by eight percent.


As with fish – if you eat soy, you eat less meat which means you will reduce your intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. Soy is unique, since is an excellent source of protein but it does not contain cholesterol, as animal foods. However, not if is a potent cholesterol eliminator as previously thought. A 2010 study suggests that frequent consumption of soy can reduce its level by a moderate 8 to 10%.

Red wine

You probably know that moderate consumption of alcohol uses your body because an occasional cup increases the level of good HDL cholesterol.

Red wine can be particularly useful because it is rich in antioxidants, which lowers LDL cholesterol.


Like olive oil, avocados are high in unsaturated fats, which lowers cholesterol levels . The monounsaturated acids present in this tropical fruit will reduce LDL levels and increase HDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol – but only if the consumption of avocados implies that you have discarded food unhealthy.

Green tea

This miraculous drink connects with various beneficial effects of cancer suppression to 'refine' brain functions. But very few studies have explained why green tea is so a wonderful elixir and how much it should be drunk to give results.

Regarding the effect on the reduction of bad cholesterol, it should be emphasized that it is a modest effect – that is to say that large quantities must be injected to see the difference. And it's not an ideal idea, at least not for everyone – because green tea can have bad effects in combination with certain drugs.

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