Prime Minister Asama Sarbananda Sonoval said that those who remain stateless should not worry, and that they will have the opportunity to prove their roots
About four million people living in the Indian state of Assam have been removed from the list of citizens, and Muslims are afraid that they will be deported or sent to detention.

Prime Minister Asama Sarbananda Sonoval told Indian media that these stateless people overnight should not worry. He stressed that they will have the opportunity to prove their citizenship, that none of the four million will be sent to custody and that "no one will be treated as a stranger". He pointed out that "those who complain will receive a good opportunity to prove their right to nationality."
Hundreds of thousands of people fled to India during the Bangladesh War of Independence in the early 1970s Most settle in Asam, which shares a 270km border with Bangladesh.
The purpose of compiling a list of citizens is to identify all residents who can prove that they have roots in the country since March 1971, prior to the independence of Bangladesh. Identity Initiative The 33 million people scattered across the hill have started a two-year-old valley in the plain of the country, and it is expected that it will last for three years and be carried out under the supervision of the Supreme Court. For many years, there have been social tensions and tensions between communities, with the local population campaigning against illegal immigrants. Critics view this verification of citizenship as a measure aimed at extorting minority Muslims, which is supported by the Narendra Modi government led by Hindu nationalists. "They are trying to isolate the Muslims, the number that came out is big and it is surprising.We will take it to the aspirant," Ripun Bora of the Congress Party said. opposition.
More than a dozen people killed groups of armed mats in 1983 who wanted to expel Muslim immigrants. Some Asama residents claim that illegal Muslim migrants have changed the country's demographics, which they despise. However, many Muslims living in Asam have rejected the accusation that they are illegitimate and claim that they are not the only ones, but their grandfather and grandmother were born in Asam, and that they do not know any other place.
and the ancestors of all the inhabitants. The first indicative list was published on 1 January and contained 19 million names. However, the final register will only be released when four million people will appeal because they have been removed from the list and they will have the opportunity to prove their citizenship.
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