Interesting facts about men | Mondo Portal


1. Worldwide, the average life expectancy of men is 64.52 years, compared to the average life span of a 68.76 year old woman.

2. The average man is three centimeters taller than the average male of the sixties of the last century. He weighs a dozen kilograms.

3. Worldwide, 107 boys are born on average out of 100 girls. Scientists believe that more boys are born because of higher mortality among them.

4. The adult male's brain is about 10% higher than a woman's brain, but not because men are smarter, if that's the first thing you thought. Because men are usually taller than women and have higher muscle mass, the brain needs more neurons to control the body.

5. Boys usually enter puberty between the ages of 12 and 14 years. During this period, their voices mute and become deeper, grow faster and the body changes, develops. Boys usually go into puberty later than girls.

6. Changes of voice in puberty in boys and girls. However, in the case of a boy, this change is more dramatic, and sometimes their voice becomes lower for the entire octave. Males of other species develop a deeper voice to attract women and "scare" other males, and scientists believe that this change also occurs for men for the same reason

7. Adam's apple tree because of the characteristic of adult males, which is the result of the growth of the larynx at puberty. He was named after the story of the Bible when Adam eats forbidden fruits.

8. The number of men who have been circumcised after birth has dropped drastically, and today about a third of the men in the world are pruned.

9. About the first six weeks after conception, the human embryo develops as a female child, taking genetic information from the mother's DNA. After the sixth week of development, if the male embryo, the SRY gene on the Y chromosome begins to produce testosterone, which stimulates the development of male characteristics and suppresses the subsequent development of female characteristics.

10. Boys are three to four times more likely to diagnose a range of autistic disorders than girls. Scientists have not yet explained the cause of this phenomenon, and some even believe that girls with mild symptoms manage to "mask" them and remain undiagnosed.

11. In addition, boys receive more than three times a diagnosis of attention or minor hyperactivity in boys

12. Before the beginning of the 20th century, there were many more men than female medical technicians. Now, they are much less than women.

13. Men are three times more likely to abuse alcohol than women and are twice as likely to use drugs for recreational purposes.

14. Higher levels of testosterone in boys and men generally result in greater aggression, a desire for competition, but also greater confidence than in women. In addition, the part of the brain of a tonsil that is responsible for the emotion is usually higher in men, making them more aggressive and more difficult to control emotions.

15. In almost every country in the world, men are twice as likely as women to commit suicide.

16. The average adult male has about 50% more muscle mass and 50% less body fat than an average adult woman.

17. By studying the brains of men and women, scientists have determined that when they are focused on the task, they work differently. Men only use one side of the brain at that time, pay attention and focus only on this task. Women, on the other hand, use both sides of the brain at the same time, which is why they are better at doing more things at the same time.

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