ISRAEL DOES NOT GOLAN: We will attack Syrian troops if they militarize the World Plateau


Tanjug |

July 5, 2018 21:25 |

The Syrian army launched a major offensive last month to recover the southern province of Deru near a demilitarized zone

Israeli security minister Gilad Erdan warned Syria and Russia that Israel could attack Syrian government forces if trying to install their units in the demilitarized border area near the Golan Heights. "

" We must check and do everything to verify that the Russians and the Asad government are not armed in the demilitarized zones, "Erdan told Reuters.

Asked whether Israel was ready to take action Preventive against the Syrian Army, Erdan responded with an affirmative answer.

The Syrian Army launched a major offensive last month to regain the southern province. what the next phase of the offensive is taking place in the province controlled by the rebels, Four, very close to the Golan Heights.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin urged last week respect for the 1974 Israel-Syria truce that defended "the accumulation" of military technology and Syrian staff, either on the Israeli side Golan Heights plateau.

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