It is not the Russians who will lead Serbian politics


Belgrade President Aleksandar Vucic participates in Thessaloniki at the meeting of the High Council for Cooperation between Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. Before the start of the Balkan Quadrilateral meeting, he told reporters that they would ask Greece and Romania, who did not recognize Kosovo's independence, to stand firm in their position.

Vucic organized a gala dinner in Poroshenko

Aleksandar Vucic to discuss the relationship between Belgrade and Pristina and the continuation of the dialogue. "

" Two of the three countries (participants in the meeting) did not recognize Kosovo and I will ask them to remain firm in their position. And I will try to help once again our Bulgarian friends to explain what our attitudes are, "said Vucic

interviewed by Johannes Hahn on the fact that Kosovo is" all and everything "with respect to Serbia's progress towards the EU. He said that in meetings with foreign statesmen, which usually last two hours, 120 minutes of negotiations, they talk about Kosovo for 119 minutes.

"And half a minute before the press conference, we are talking about the rest." People need to know and do not think that there is another subject that can be measured and compared in Kosovo ", said Vucic to Serbian journalists

"This is also known for our international and especially Western partners. He asked if "there is a daily shuttle of diplomacy and what is happening now with the negotiations," he says: "I would have lied if I said we had not gotten around. interview every week .We have, what is normal.Is there any progress, if something important has happened – no.Is all I can say, everything else would be not fair and that would not be true, "Vucic concludes.

He is happy to be able to meet in this format for the fourth time with his neighbors, but also with the Greeks. "It is good that we have other messages and partners, and that sometimes it is not the territory of the former Yugoslavia, but the neighbors who are already members of the EU, although Greece is not neighbor, but an important partner, "said Vučić

According to him, it is very important that Serbia follows, participates and occupies an active position in the Euro. pi, where there are increasingly diverse factors, highlighting a different attitude towards the United States, a changing attitude towards Russia and the Eastern partners.

In terms of road infrastructure, the President recalls that a complete reconstruction of the highway from the entrance to Croatia, 23.5 kilometers from the municipality of Shide at the turn to Kuzmin, that some said to be the worst when entering Croatia.

Vučić pointed out that Serbia is finishing corridor 10, at the end of the year, both weapons will be opened.

Vučić is, he is He also stressed the importance of the railway, emphasizing that it is the vehicle of the future.

He said that after the Niš-Dimitrovgrad section, a complete reconstruction of the Belgrade-Niš section will begin and a section of Valjevo in Montenegro

It remains, as he said, to work on the optical infrastructure, the digital infrastructure, because we must not stay behind the world.

President Vučić and other guests of Thessaloniki greet Greek Prime Minister Cipras with the great interest of journalists.

Apart from Vucic and the Host of Cyprus, 19659004]

The fourth and final stages of the meeting were discussed at the meeting. the quadrilateral meeting is mainly devoted to infrastructure projects – in the field of road, rail and energy infrastructure, ahead of the summit of China and 16 countries of central and eastern Europe, which is being held Sunday at Sofia

. the meeting of the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlović, will be held in Thessaloniki together with their Greek counterparts, the Ministry of Transport, Transport and Communications, in order to implement the agreed projects .

Romania and Bulgaria

At the meeting in Bucharest, there were also words on the Timisoara-Belgrade highway, the highway to Bulgaria and then to Skopje, but also to modernize the Nis-Dimitrovgrad-Bulgaria border, to strengthen the digital infrastructure. This will certainly be the theme and meeting of Thessaloniki.

The cooperation between the four countries has resulted in increased trade of Serbia with its quadripartite partners, accompanied by an increase in the number of tourists from Serbia to Serbia but also from Serbia.

The Prime Ministers of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania – three member states of the Union – have repeatedly stated that the Balkans are an inalienable part of European Ideas and that Serbia can no longer be outside the European Republic This is particularly important, since after Austria, the Presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2019 will be taken over by Romania [19659023] Vučić: We are neither person nor dwarf, nor patrlja

Not even the Americans, nor the Europeans, nor the Russians, nor who will direct the policy of Serbia, but the policy of the Serbian people, 19659004 ] The President commented on the assessments of correspondent Komersant Genadi Sisoiev that neither the West nor Ru of which are not satisfied with the way he was received the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Serbia.

"We are an independent country proud and dignified people. We have our interests and our policies, and not others, we are neither a dwarf nor a patrol to let anyone manage us, "Vucic said.

