It was only a moment of weakness … Bor Santana talked about the relationship with Minina's mother! (VIDEO) | telegraph


Bora Santana and Ivana Vrbaški, Photo: TV Pink

Last night, guests from Boro Santana and Zoran Stefanov participated in the exhibition "People of the Pita"

Relations between Bore and Minina Mama were numerous. Ivane Vrbaski, and speculated that there was something more than friendship between them, Santana decided to talk about it and explain everything.

– I drove her home, she was found without transportation, Mina went. Ivana Vrbaski then collided with Tom. We remained standing until the end, we kissed the cheek, we had no closer relationship. We are heard as friends and I read Mino every day. She said, "You're my father-in-law," I said, all through the joke … There was nothing there, between me and Mrs. Ivane there was a big respect, it was only a moment of weakness, "Bora added.] 19659005] Bora Santana, Printskrin: Youtube / Cooperative

– I met Ivan in a hurry, video when I was in a hurry. I had this secret mission I compliment her appearance, I did not know that she was 40 and over, she was 18 years old, I thought that she was 36, a woman looks like a There was no emotion born to the person, rather than to the mother of my partner.It was a little bit too far, we are just friends …

And that Bora loves moms, she also shows a snapshot to Sarah's mother:

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