Ivan Marinkovic visited Miljan and his son, and here's what he said about building the family! (VIDEO) | telegraph


Ivan Marinković, Miljana Kulić, Photo: ATA Images, A. Nalbantjan

Miljana was born on July 27 late in the evening and she and her son Željko had a

I'm coming soon – Ivan Marinkovic wrote with a picture of a young man in the city of Niš.

Marinovic appeared in the grandmother with a huge bouquet of red roses for Kulić, and for his successor Željka he made gifts.

I am happy to say that he is not lying so much. Miljana and I did not even quarrel, how to please ?!

I was wondering if we should formally establish a family, I do not know, we must speak – Marinkovic said

How John arrived in maternity see the video below: I will drop the victim and around the baby, we will agree: Ivan Marinkovic will soon become a father and his statement is incredible:

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