Jeremic delivers violent accusations against Vucic (VIDEO)


Guest of the new "RasPravde" Vuk Jeremic, president of the People's Party, talks about how he intends to prevent the high rank of Kosovo and Metohija, which was his worst day while he was Foreign Minister, what were the sins of the regime to which it belonged why Divac and the SOK do nothing to stop the reception of Kosovo within the IOC, be it in Serbia, it is possible to reconcile national and civic.

He made a number of allegations about the show on behalf of the President of Serbia and SNS, Aleksandar Vucic, about how he is preparing himself for so-called. Kosovo is a place at the UN, as well as receiving large numbers of migrants in Serbia under pressure from outside. Jeremic accused Vucic of being ready to hold elections, even a referendum, and that the West would remain silent if Vucic fulfilled his promise to recognize Kosovo.

Jeremic nevertheless expressed the hope that Vucic could be defeated and that it is possible to muster a critical mass of those who oppose the Kosovo issue to demolish the current regime.

– The only one that can prevent it is to create a critical mass in the coming months of those who oppose the accession of Kosovo to the UN. There are many, many SNS supporters here. I am convinced that 90% of the people who, for one reason or another, today, the SNS sympathizers, have a very bad feeling when they plan to give up Serbia of Kosovo. Therefore, I believe that this critical mass can be made, "said Jeremic, adding that Vucic will even try to use force to hold his position.

He said that if Vucic were to hold power at Kosovo, Then it helps to demolish Republika Srpska and then to bring Serbia into NATO

The "RasPravda" program is implemented in cooperation with the HelmCast Justice and Production portal. author and the leader of the show is Miodrag Zarkovic Watch the complete show:

What Vucic promised to the Serbian Army, see HERE

Source: Pravda / HelmCast

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