Kari succeeds in fighting cancer


A new study has shown that the Indian spice succeeds in the fight against cancer

In an experimental experiment in mice, scientists discovered that a combination of curcumin, which gives a color Yellowish yellow, can slow the growth of breast cancer. Forms of blood cancer, writes Dejli mejl.

The main ingredient of the spice affects cell reproduction, that is to say that it prevents their sharing as well as the destruction of other cells.

Although researchers at the University of California say that eating a herd or supplement can not destroy cancer cells, this discovery can lead to the development of new methods of treatment.

Curcumin, a compound previously considered to have a potent anticancer effect, could be 500 times stronger than previously thought.

Laboratory tests have shown that when combined with drugs for a specific type of blood cancer, curcumin affects the effectiveness of the drug.

The researchers say their findings are not expected, so they now hope that they will be able to develop a new cancer drug that will be based on curcumin.

Scientists believe that curcumin could be used to fight cancer, since when blood is bound to a particular type of enzyme (DYRK2), tumor cells can not be reproduced quickly, reports B92.

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