Kija Kockar: Free does not want to divorce, but the third chance does not deserve it


BILA is the supreme support of her husband for rejuvenation, and when she cheated on her when she accepted the offer and to enter the "Zadar" she was certainly not expecting to become so popular and to gain as much public support. Kristina Kockar, a former air hostess, is currently the best-known woman of the Balkans, who paves the way for music stars and expects her to formally divide Slobodan Radanovic

when we look at the life, when this imaginary line is submerged or later realize that life simply consists of expectations. We see ourselves as better, more reasonable, more tolerant, smarter, more noble, similar things are expected by others, but also by us.

THE HOLINESS OF THE DAY YOU WANT TO SEE: Spot for the song with Ministers Kija ignites Internet (VIDEO)

When we first expect trust, understanding, love, desire to get married, the first thing we expect is to love the end of our lives, to be the happiest couple in the world, to create a family and a home. we are waiting for the blessing of God in love and the vernacular for the end of life, in good and bad. We consciously promise that we will consciously promise each other, blindly believing in the truth of our own, as well as in the words of the person to whom we abandon our heart.

What to do when things go wrong? What happens when it happens, contrary to what we expected?

DRAMS CONTINUE Kija and Slob never divorced, here's why!

P promised to resubmit the "Cooperative" when she helped her husband to enter the reindeer only three months after the wedding, and she had the expectations that she had to take part to such a project.

* What were your expectations?

– I expected my husband to grow up in Riyadh to prosper because his career stagnated – he says about NewsOnline Kija and adds: But I also expected to be proud husband … I just waited for him to know him and love him as I am, but …

* And people met Bob. Is it the Bob that you also knew?

Of course not. My Bob was anything but that. Everyone was in shock, but I, like his wife, knew who he knew best and even better than his parents.

* Serbia also met Kristina, but it seems that Christina has also met her. What did you learn from you again?

The reality of Christina (VIDEO)

is exactly what she has shown, all with imperfections and virtues, errors and misdeeds. Essentially, I knew very well who I was, I just saw where I was strong and where I was weak.

* It is especially important that people win in the eyes of others. You won the rivals in the rival. Have you won yourself?

Of course I did it. I am the greatest critic, and this victory was the most difficult and the sweetest. I feel that now I can handle everything.

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* A what do you think is the right leg? 19659005 19459007 I never doubted And all around me has said that while it is difficult, everything is on the way to a complete change and some kind of catharsis.

* When was the least difficult for you, what time was it?

Any quarrel with my husband.

– I can not say that some things did not go wrong at one point, but patience is the key to success, and I was patient and the truth disappeared.

* You have not blamed the mistress of your wife at the moment, as do especially cheated women?

Kija and Sloba signed divorce papers yesterday, but today they have seen each other, these photos are proof of this (PHOTO)

– This n & # That's not what I did not do. And I do not think he's guilty, but I guess he's the main culprit. He owes me to be fair, not her.

Did you, when all this happened, think of your own guilty plea, as "what was wrong, was it possible that I was not there?" good enough for him, what's not it? "

– No. Not at once. Only he is guilty. And I do not see what she would have good quality if I did not have it. I do not see anything about it.

* How ignorant was your ignorance that your husband's public cheating process is an act of unconscious and instant covetousness or simply a proof that the love you are experiencing is not something that you are trying to do. is not strong enough

? this instant desire was throwing our years and our marriage. This is no longer related to love, but to stupidity.

* At one point you were ready to forgive adultery. And not just adultery, but all this public humiliation. Why?

Kija was proud to have received the flowers with dedication, here and from whom!

– Because I loved him and because I thought our marriage deserved another chance to know that I had done everything right. But the third chance does not deserve it.

* You have incredibly divided support of the nation when it comes to deciding whether you want to get rid of Slobodan or try to stay together. Support is important, but how difficult is the decision, no matter the support?

I have enough material to never think of reconciliation. People have their opinion, I respect, but my decision is to divorce. That's what I mean when I'm subjective and objective.

* In recent days, you have speculated about your divorce in the sense that it 's just another marketing gesture. Marketing, or is it still doubly, given that Free increasingly declares that you are the love of his life?

Of course, this is not marketing. Yes, he declares it because he does not want to divorce.

* We talked a lot about whether you were listening to freedom, you see, to avoid it … What's the truth?

We are in correct relationships. I turned to things that make me happy and I do not want to be deceived by hatred and sorrow. This change has influenced me to have a good relationship with him, but having such a relationship does not mean that it leads to reconciliation.

* After all, spoken in and out of rites, what do you think of her parents now?

– I want them all the best.

Photo of Dusan Petrovic

* How did you feel when watching them sit down and associate with your parents' parents?

– Their choice, their shame.

* Every day your family, Dagan, accuses you of ugly things happening to them. Your fans are really so dangerous?

Of course they did not do it. My real fans did not do anything to someone that they did not do.

Did any of the Dean's contacts contact you?

Only Đole Đogan contacted my cousin and told him that he had nothing against me.

* With whom do you like to sip a Zadru coffee?

With my pack. They know who they are, and they know the viewers who followed Zadra.

* Czech was born publicly f branches. Every day, you answer Instagram with Anastasia Ražnatović. And you also wanted a duet with Cecom. Have you seen them? Is there cooperation that seems to come?

– Thanks to Ceci and his family for everything. I know it's better to be neutral, but she's come to my side. But in the sense of supporting myself as a man, and he has not thought about the situation, which is for every praise. It is she who is one of those people who do not see me as a deceived woman but as a quality man.

* You have just made a song and a movie with the "Ministries". How much did you talk about this cooperation, how did you enter a new life? [196459036] It was interesting and I can say just came out and I hope it will be accepted by the public

* How do you see yourself in a few years

As a mother, all that I accomplished


-Da I believe and remain an irreproachable romance.

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