Kill them immediately: 10 cooking things that release dangerous poisons and kill us so slowly | Telegraph


You use these things every day, and they are so toxic that they can not even get out of the body

<img class = "pos-a-lt" srcset = "http: // xdn / 2018/04/05 / kuvana-jaja-3-339×192.jpg "alt =" eggs, sherpa, 19659006] Make sure your cooking utensils and other cooking utensils are used daily. Many of them release chemicals that accumulate in the body over time and thus put the body in danger.

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Teflon dishes heated by high temperature emit toxic substances in foods Among these compounds, perfluoroacetic acid (PFOA) is considered to be a carcinogen, a study conducted by scientists from the United States. University of Virginia in the United States has shown that PFOA can also cause other problems in the co rps: has a detrimental effect on the heart, blood vessels, gland …

What is perfluoroctane? The acids in the body are higher, the greater the risk of the disease. In addition, PFOA can be kept in the body for years.

– Teflon hides in many places. It is known that Teflon, when heated, releases a mixture of toxic particles and gases. It is recommended to choose dishes made of stainless steel, cast iron or enamel – says Dr. Alex Stewart

Photo: / When Teflon warms up, releases a mixture of 15 particles and toxic gases

Alex Stewart enumerates other things that may contain dangerous teflon:

1. Toothpaste

2. Popcorn for Microwave

3. Washers for laundry

4. Haircutting Presses

5. Means, tiganjs, dishes

Photo: / Teflon contain even the things you expect the least

6. Paper for cooking

7. Carpet

8. Layers

9. Waterproof Mascara

10. Bulbs

Aleks Stewart also warned against plastic containers and other accessories that people put in the microwave or use while cooking. These things release harmful toxins into the food and thus enter the body. Best selection of stainless steel or wood.

Photo: / A better choice of this range is stainless steel or wood



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