Kosovo and Metohija will again be under the control of the state of Serbia!


The Constitution of Serbia and our Orthodox holy places are an indicator. Patient, registered. At the moment, everything is complicated and difficult, because the major Western powers, the state of Kosovo, do everything to achieve what was planned for a long time. One day, while the relationship of forces in the world has changed, effortlessly, Kosovo and Metohija will be under the control of the state of origin of Serbia, said the commander of the Serbian army, General Milosav Simovic.

General Milosav Simovic, commander of the land forces of the Serbian army, gave a full interview to the portal Srpska Istorija. We communicate the conversation in general

to General Simovic, you deserve that Niš have a military museum, although Belgrade has it, and this is not what it was supposed to be. Niš has an army museum that does not exist in Serbia and wider. Our history and our ancestors do well, the museum where the photo, the documents print the history of our people and the army, which you and your associates have done with a lot of effort. How did it start and how did it all begin?

God has given me professional and honorary officers, patriots and the opportunity to create them together to create something together that reminds us that we should constantly nurture, and that is the Love for the Serbian army and its homeland. Serbia. Two and a half years ago, I told my colleagues: "We will merge with the Army Memorial Hall, we will work according to the model Vranjska Spomen soba, because of the daily obligations we will have to work after working hours and weekends. We will work for the deceased, the families of the dead and the generation of officers who worked in this building before us. The ultimate goal is that every Serb citizen who enters our command is uniform and unified. faces, students, students and ka In our hallways, they see a rich history and a long tradition, and finally, in the Command of the Civil Service, they smell the smell of incense and see the names of more of 16,000 people coming out of the building, think or say: I love you, Serbia. People from a closer military history do not fall into oblivion. It will be difficult to perform regular tasks at the workplace and work in a complex way for the Army Memorial Room, but if we are driven by a sincere love and kindness. A firm, happy and proud will. [19659003] To what extent is the museum a museum?

– In addition to the Army Hall of Remembrance, within the Army Museum, there are 29 other continents with many subcategories. I will mention two first ones. Battles and Battles of the Army, Tujememil Field in 1042, Galipol in 1312, Jedren, Bitola, Kumanovo, Kolubara, Dobrudja, Kajmakčlan, Marica, Kosovo Fields, Thessaloniki Front, Sutjeska, Neretva, Srem Front, many other battles. battles, at Basket and Paštrika in 1998 and 1999 and at Oraovica in 2001. The second initial unit is called the Army Units, where the names of all units of the Army of The land of the army of Prince Višeslav and Radoslav in the 7th century were treated, on behalf of the current brigades and independent battalions. soldier, infantrymen, artillerymen, cadets, committees, chetniks, partisans, soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers from all over the army. In this building of the Army Command, the history of the Land Forces has since been treated. There are more than 12,000 photographs, nearly 1,500 texts, nearly 400 texts, about 400 pipes and models of weapons, weapons and tools, 90 flags, nearly 300 sketches, diagrams, maps and much more. 39, other …

More than 5,000 casual patriots in all wars, from the Serbo-Turkish aggression to NATO aggression and to the land security zone. Now, here in Niš, you are responsible for the overwhelming prevention of more than 16,000 names of victims in all wars, from the Serbo-Turkish wars, to the aggression of NATO and to the ground security zone. It is sad that today Serbia has no mausoleum for all the victims of the Serbian aggression. The Niš Museum and the Vranje Memorial are a big step in this direction. How long did it take to collect such names and photographs?

– We started in the middle of summer in mid-2016, from that moment until the end of 2017, the maximum is done. Prior to that, we were asking for information about the dead, it was a difficult task that Colonel Dragisa Stankovic had been carrying on his shoulders since the end of 2014 and in 2015 he handed over the obligation to Lieutenant-Colonel Rank Mladenovic. In the list of people killed during the Second World War in Nis, there are 39 Russian soldiers. Among the killed soldiers and civilians killed in this war, there are also 563 Jews who were killed. In addition to Serbian civilians and soldiers, the names of Greek, French and British soldiers are included in the data of those who died during the First World War. In the Army Memorial Hall, the names of all JNA soldiers killed in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina include the names and all soldiers killed in 1998 in Kosovo and Metohija and during the war. aggression of NATO in 1999. We have the names of the dead boys and girls, 79 of them, in the aggression of NATO, including Albanian children, in the bus in Lužani village on Podujeva – Prishtina road. In the commemorative hall are the names of dead soldiers, police officers and civilians in the ground security zone.

The museum's setting includes the most important segments of the city's history and the celebrities of Nis. Niš is a rich city, famous and long history. City of Constantine the Great and Stefan Nemanja. It crosses many roads, war and commercial roads, a city of famous warriors, a battlefield of great conflicts and battles, fights and suffering. Niš is the capital of the Serbian war. In this city, there has always been an imagination of freedom, an appreciation of life and the enjoyment of it. Meraklija in Nis like to enjoy, and the mermaid of Vranjska is unforgettable, meraklija and merak, that is all the soul of the south. Niš is a city of spirituality and culture, sport and music. Can you bypass this wealth of time, tradition, culture and interethnic eternal tolerance, or leave it in oblivion? I told my great associates to Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Ivanovsky and Major Vladimir Filipovic: "When I come to a guest citizen of Niš and Serbia at our command, officer or NCO who works there, he knows that he is in the city of Nisava with a rich history and a long tradition. We will make the connection between the city of Niš and Garnizon Nis, we will draw Nišli, through this niche corner in this building, to see that we do not only know how to shoot – we shoot weapons, we run and hit, we are not only in love with our profession, but to understand, feel and know about history, culture, art, sport, having a soul, that we are people … "

Where did you come to the idea that the dead were next to the church?

– One day, I took my colleagues to the Bogomol area to Kom and to the l & # 's 39, Army, which we immediately built before the joint recognition of the future Memorial Army, with the idea that the names of the victims would be in the room of the church and of the the room where there will be an eternal flame.I forgot the name of the wall, i thought that it would be good to separate the hey Basketball ros and Pastrik, as well as other people wars of the nineties, and have their pictures on the ceiling, where that is 916 photos. All the elderly, we have immortalized for centuries and when that is not the case, they will exist. In the service area are saints and icons, in the commemorative hall are angels. They are one after the other, forever, while we live after us. Now we have a soul. The Army Country Memorial Hall is the service area of ​​the Army Command, and the Army Command Block is the Army Memorial Hall. earthen. Recently, I told colleagues of officers, NCOs and soldiers: "God blessed us, we are very happy people. Imagine how happy we are, we have raised 16186 souls. Lord, thank you for that. "

When do you plan to open a museum for citizens, especially for schools because students can learn and see many things?

– Officially, the Land Military Museum has opened its doors on 26 February the presence of Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, General Ljubisa Dikovic's Chief of Staff, Bishop of Nis Arseny, Chief of Nisava District, Dragan Sotirovski, President of Radka Rajkovic's assembly and other officials building Within the Army Museum, organized groups who want to feel the love we feed towards our army, our state and our history come to us and we will determine three or four days a week where our citizens and tourists will be able to visit the museum.as after the summer holidays, students and holiday employees, the museum will visit the citizens, tourists and x primary and secondary students, as well as students from Nis.

You, Commander of the Army of Serbia, have done something imaginable. which has never been seen before. In the fall, during the celebration of Army Day, you held a speech, including a song as part of the speech. The Chetnik song "Planino, moja planina" was launched in front of many Serbian state officials, and most people were delighted: how did the military and state circles react and where did it come from? Energy and courage of this song? In late April and early May, when the change of head of the Serbian army was expected,

– Unfortunately, she bore somebody.The song "Planina moja planina", she is 113, she was doing part of my speech at the Academy on the occasion of the Army Day, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Top J's been sent from the soul, to whom, to those we have forgotten, the Chetniks of the period before and during the Balkan wars and the First World War, all in the room, including heads of state, have accepted this surprise, the song of Serbian comedians organized Committees, c & The Chetniks, were witnesses of the liberation of the people from the Turkish authorities and did not deserve to forget their works, while the Chetniks' alignment on Veljko Bulajic's films was malicious. Even with a song of the Second World War, in 2004, our state matched two liberation movements: Partisan and Ravnogorski. I want and will give to God that as a nation we overcome the meaningless divisions, the Chetniks and the Partisans. We should respect each other. Reconciliation and prayers are two key words for the survival of the Serbian people. Then we will be unique. We will regain the power, the pride and the dignity of the nation.

What is the period of Serbian history, particularly interesting?

– I find it interesting to see the survival of the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church under Turkish rule. Medieval Serbia and the time of Nemanjić, the most interesting and most famous period of Serbian history. Then the church was persistent and the pillar of the state. Contemporary art, culture, literature and spirituality are the foundations of today 's and tomorrow' s Serbian traditions. Our most tragic period is the period of the 20th century. After the greatest victories on the battlefield, we suffered defeats, incredible stadiums, renounced ourselves and national interests, for transitional ideologies. We can freely say that the 20th century was our big Friday. I think the time has come for us to examine the official history, especially the prerogative of the old Slavs, professionally, basically, based on documents and facts, scientific methods, and not political-party

General, how do you see today the Serbian national idea? 19659004] – Return to true and impenetrable values, faith, family, patriotism, honesty, lust and heroism is the foundation that a nation, which has lost much in the past, meets and advances in the future. The national strategy is not completely defined. The state is concerned about the Serbs in Montenegro, Macedonia, Republic Srpska, Croatia, Slovenia, currently – probably not enough, because of a weaker economic power, but in the future he will surely worry even more. He is concerned about the Serbs in Hungary and Romania and in other countries of Europe and the world. The state is financially assisting Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We should not be divided into Serbs through the Drina and the Serbs of Serbia, the Serbs of Montenegro and the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija. We are all Serbs, and we can not be the other, the geographical point of view is something else. The five eternities that do not die: God, Love, Truth, Goodness and Honor, through the history of existence, were part of the Serbian national being. They must be completely back

Do you agree that Greater Serbia could be the place of Yugoslavia?

– Serbia was one of the winners of the First World War. She could use her victory in the best possible way, with the support of the great powers, to achieve her war goals, which she expressed in the Niš Declaration in 1914, when she set as her goal to unify all South Slavs. In addition, Serbia was counting on the Kingdom of Italy's aspiration to part of the Balkans and even to the Adriatic coast, according to the London Treaty of 1915. The Regent Alexander and the Serbian government should not allow Serbia to form Serbia after the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which would have no external and internal peace. If Serbia did not unite all Serbs in one state, it would lose the fruits of its war victory. However, Serbian intelligence has not found any task, which has been secular, united and accumulated for long-lasting reasons. This is why Yugoslavia has become the grave of the liberal idea, which has inspired many generations. They all received more from Serbia, and they had fewer rights than Serbia. Those who led Serbia helped strengthen the slogan "Strong Yugoslavia and poor Serbia". The present circumstances are no longer those after the First World War and we must not abandon the "Greater Serbia" in modern social circumstances. As long as our country is small, and it is small only compared to much bigger countries, it is in relation to the environment – it is not at all small in any criteria. It is a land in which grow people of Nikola Tesla, Mihailo Pupin, Mihailo Petrovic, Milutin Milankovic, Zivojin Misic, Vlado Divac, Zeljko Obradovic, Milorad Cavic, Nikola Jokic, the legendary Novak Djokovic and many others. 19659003] Tito or Draza

– All historical divisions: Lazarevic and Brankovići, Karađorđevići and Obrenovići, Partisans and Chetniks, and others, must be in the best possible way. defeat, because they have divided our people into our people big accidents. We must overcome them by mutual respect and understanding of the historical context in which these divisions have emerged. Today, it makes no sense to separate from Tito or Draza, because Tito and Draza are not. Both movements, Partisan and Radnicki-Chetnik, were liberators. Is it for the partisans and Chetniks to divide the brother and never forgive his brother? Of course, the Partisan movement has won and we must all respect it, it respects the whole world, but we know that the "black days" were also partisan and Chetniks, one more during the war, the other after the war. During the Second World War, the works that are before God are sins, acts of which all educated, cultural and natural people are ashamed. The goal of any patriot, regardless of ideology, should be: Serbia free with happy people, we should all be patriots, and I'm sure most people do it: in a democratic society, it is realistic that there are different political opinions, but when it is safe is of national interest, we must all be the soul and the body of a party – Serbia

How do you see the operation of General Milan Nedić during the Second World War?

19659003] What made this part of the Balkans deserve this historic fate?

– With its geographical position, due to division, mutual hatred and insufficient enlightenment The population, prejudice and suicides, the Balkans were and remained a breeding ground. The interests of the great powers are closely linked across Serbia. Love and tolerance are not at a high level, forgiveness and reconciliation are lacking in all Balkan countries and nations. You must believe and want a better tomorrow. God will do it better and the simple phrase "The Balkans is a barrel of barut", not just enlarged and complex, but erased, non-existent, non-existent and completely forgotten. Yes, the political and state leaders of the Balkan countries are a big responsibility. The politics of our country is peaceful and indulgent. Unfortunately, the policies of some countries are still not Serbian

Still the current question, Kosovo and Metohija, what else, where is the exit?

– The Constitution of Serbia and our Orthodox sanctuaries are a signpost. Patient, registered. At the moment, everything is complicated and difficult, because the major Western powers, the state of Kosovo, do everything to achieve what was planned for a long time. Тренутно су тамо међународне снаге које се понашају професионално, за нас је добро да тамо остану што дуже, са њима имамо добру сарадњу, иако, ако буде "стани, пани …" биће пасивне и не са нама. Тачно је и то, да је од доласка КФОР-а, много наших људи страдало, али су годинама једина оружана сила и каква таква гаранција заштите нашег народа. Једног дана, када се однос снага у свету буде променио, без напора, Косово и Метохија ће бити под контролом матичне државе

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.? Же правде Да ли је то најбољи избор химне

– Поделио сам војницима и старешинама папириће са текстом, а онда у улози диригента и певача, повео певање Нажалост, државна химна се ретко пева Она је наша и треба је певати.. , јачати национални дух и понос. Не осећају је сви и повремено нам недостаје национално достојанство. Свиђа ми се марш на Дрину, иако је то марш. Такође, Ој Србијо мила мати и Востани Сербијо, које су историјске, патриотско-родољубиве песме, које надахњују и јачају српски дух у тешким временима.

Шта мислите, да ли треба увес переводительного предоставление

– Служење војног рока је спас за Војску Србије и Србију. Ово не кажем Вама сада, то сам говорио и ранијих година, од када смо се професионализовали, да уз професионалне војнике имамо и војнике на служењу војног рока, а никако да имамо тзв. Страница позориштима, библиотекама, војног позориштима, војног, војног … или добровољно служење војног рока. Дуго пратим актуелности у другим војскама Европе и закључио сам да је комбиновани начин попуне војске, професионалним војницима и онима који служе војни рок, најрационалнији и најкориснији за нацију, све грађане и државу Србију. . Када будемо имали служење војног рока, имаћемо здравију омладину, способније грађане и моћнију војску

Да ли сте пратили светско фудбалско првенство у Русији

– Јесам. Нажалост, наши фудбалери, нису испунили очекивања иако је било наговештаја и воље до се постигне неки резултат. Од 1991. године, када је Црвена Звезда освојила Куп шампиона, иако сам навијач Партизана, немамо значајнији међународни успех у фудбалу. Веома поштујем нашу младу фудбалску репрезентацију, коју је водио величанствени Вељко Пауновић 2015. године. Репрезентација Уругваја је играла без великих осцилација и волео сам да иде напред, али се то није догодило. Французи су показали, лепу за око, фудбалску игру. Од Хрвата треба учити како се игра срцем, душом и телом за своју државу. Русија је била одличан домаћин свим фудбалским репрезентацијама, а Руси, како се и очекивало, према репрезентацији Србије, исказивали поштовање и симпатије.

Да ли је наша Копнена војска спремна да одговори свим изазовима? Наводно, неки војници, када је требало да се крене на Косово, нису хтели и напустили су војску

– Копнена војска је спремна да изврши сваки задатак који буде добила од државног и војног руководства. Сви војници, подофицири и официри и цивилна лица Копнене војске су посвећени отаџбини Србији и извршењу сваког задатка у њеном интересу. . Знао сам да има гласина, али да су војници напустили војску због евентуалног одласка на Косово и Метохију, смешно је и недобронамерно

Шта бисте поручили народу у Србији у једној реченици

– Нису патриоте само војници и полицајци који носе униформе. Патриоте су сви одлични студенти, успешни спортисти, вредни рудари, пекари, столари, глумци, економисти, адвокати, правници, учитељи, наставници, професори, уметници и многи други. Сви грађани Србије могу бити поносни на своју државу и њену историју. Не треба се стидети ни блиске војне прошлости. Припадници Војске and Полиције, у ратовима, понашали су се се професионално. Комментарование поделение производительность, компания производительность. Сви, сукобљеним странама, који нису поштовали норме Међународног ратног права, требају одговарати, не једна страна, and остале симболично. Али, не треба генерализовати нацију због појединаца којих је било у свим сукобљеним странама у ратовима. Српска нација је правдољубива, праштајућа, поносна, пркосна и достојанствена. Тренутно, људи одлазе из Србије због посла, одлазе и из других држава. Када је било лако живети у Србији? Никада. Д д д д д д д д д д д д…………………………… Студенти, млади и стари Не треба крити осећања. Наравно, волети и нашу православну веру, али и уважавати исламску and католичку веру, протестантский и јеврејску верску заједницу. Треба слободно волети нашу земљу, нашу другу мајку, нашу лепу, дивну, милу, поносну, пркосну, намучену мајку Србију. Желим да наша искрена љубав према Србији, ојача државу Србију, да Срби као већински народ буду поноснији на своје корене, достојанствени на претке. Свим грађанима Србије, без обзира на националну, верску и политичку припадност, желим, добро здравље, срећу, успех, бољи живот у Србији и да што пре дочекамо дан када ћемо сви бити задовољни, срећни, ведри, радосни и поносни што живимо у Србији .

Шта поручујете Вашим војницима и старешинама

– Свим војницима, официрима, подофицирима и цивилним лицима желим добро здравље, успех, срећу и испуњење свих жеља. Оно што желим себи и својој породици, желим њима. Нека и даље воле милу Српску војску и намучену отаџбину Србију, срцем и душом да буду чланови само једне партије -. Српске војске

Срби из Црне Горе писали Вучићу, више о томе ОВДЕ

Извор. : Српска историја

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