Kosovo awaits recognition of Serbia, dialogue "tends"


The presidents of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci, said Wednesday after a brief and "hard" conversation in the wake of the Brussels dialogue, that Kosovo is waiting for recognition from Serbia and that dialogue is Harder and harder.

Vučić confirmed to the press after the meeting that the talks were "very complex, very complicated, certainly not easy". According to him, it was agreed that the talks in the framework of the dialogue with the High Representative of the EU, Federica Mogerini, continue and try to "seek a common denominator of a compromise solution" and to preserve peace and stability between Belgrade and Pristina.

"If I can say it in one sentence, the Albanians, Thaçi would like to have everything, and they are seeking everything for Kosovo Albanians, and I have tried to find a compromise solution in which no camp would be destroyed and in what interests Of course, I speak for Serbia and the Serbian side, they would not be completely ignored, "said Vucic.

He added that it is important to talk and preserve the peace and solve the problems for the future, so that there is no conflict like this. 39 was the case before. Asked by the journalists to know if he would accept the independence of Kosovo, he replied that he was conducting daily discussions on this issue and asked what would be a compromise solution.

"The only solution offered by the political parties and Thaçi is to recognize the independence of Kosovo, which is not going that way, we have to sit down and try and we have to tell our societies that we need We can not be entirely satisfied with you and if we are also dissatisfied it means that we have reached a real compromise solution, "said Mr Vucic.

He said that Serbia was determined to continue the talks with the best intention of reaching a solution.

"If we find a solution, so that we can offer it to our societies, we will see that."

  Vucic and Mogerini in Brussels

Vucic and Mogerini in Brussels

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said the meeting with Vucic was the heaviest so far and that he expects the whole process to weigh and strive.

"The meeting Presidential was brief, but not easy, I can say very difficult, perhaps the shortest and most difficult of the last six years. But our commitment to the European future is serious and responsible. I still see the light at the end of the tunnel, although I think it will be very difficult: Serbia still thinks that Kosovo is part of it, it still lives in the mentality of the past and Vucic should realize that Kosovo is a Sovereign state. He added that he expects the coming process to be even more difficult with obstacles

. " We are aware that it must be realized an agreement that the dialogue is not alternative, but should be worthy for both countries. How is Serbia behaving, it is their thing, but before they get rid of the dreams of the past and realize the reality that Kosovo is a sovereign a country, it will be in their interest, "said Thaci.

He adds that he still does not have the courage to liberate the Serbian people from the unjust and historical burdens of Kosovo

"You can reach a pragmatic and legal agreement, but you can not not mentally free a man Thaci concluded after talks with Vucic, and the next meeting of the two prime ministers is scheduled for August