LAZUKIC VIDEO 3 MONTHS: Luka cried when he took his daughter into the arms of the Center for Social Work! | Stars


<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "Luka Lazukić a saw his daughter Kat, for the first time in three months, for three months, after having a girl in her arms at the Center for Social Work "/>

3 MONTHS LAZUKIC VIDEO: that he's married with Natasha Bekvalac.

As the Kurir learns exclusively, the caterer and the computer scientist cried when he took his successor to the Center for Social Work, where the nanny of his still married wife brought her .

– It was an emotional encounter. Every day, Luka was eager to see his daughter, and the court gave him the opportunity after ninety days. He banned Natasha 's approach and any interest in the child through her or her family members would imply a greater penalty for Luka, or would result in a violation of the ban. admission. The only way Luke saw the baby was through the court. The Center for Social Work gave its opinion and the court introduced an interim measure by which Luka at this stage of the proceedings and taking into account the age of the small Katje can see a child every Wednesday for half an hour – our knowledgeable source says.

Our findings have been confirmed by Luka's legal representative, Milica Nicovic.

– It is true that Luke saw a minor Katya. Although we asked for a provisional measure on several occasions, the court ruled that Luka saw the child once a week for half an hour, while the victim asked to see his daughter once a month. This is not a definitive interim measure, it is subject to change once the relationship between a child and a father is reestablished. Such a measure is made in accordance with the law, keeping in mind that the criminal procedure and the age of a minor child are ongoing. And the view is currently in the Center for Social Work – Lukina told the lawyer for the Courier.

Due to a show with Natasha's father


Luka Lazukić lodged a complaint against Olivera Kovačević for the program "Yes, maybe no", in which Natasha's father, Dragoljub Beckalac, spoke about Luka. After the broadcast, Luka sent a request for publication of an answer to the information, as well as a request to remove the link on the website of the RTS, but this did not happen. not been done. He brought a lawsuit against the RTS, editor and editor for violating the presumption of innocence and violation of reputation and honor and sought damages. Stanišić / Photo by Vladimir Šporčić



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