Ivan Marinkovic as soon as the video of Zeljka's son decided that he did not want a DNA analysis to prove paternity.
Namely, Miljana Kulić, who was born Friday on the side of the emperor and donated Zeljka's son, allowed Ivan Marinković to come to the maternity ward and see a son. Marinkovic, who came to the hospital for a bouquet of flowers, as soon as he saw the son's video, was to look like him.

"As soon as I saw it, I filmed that I spat it out," said enthusiastic enthusiast Marinkovic, who has a Lena girl with a chef Goc Tržan. Recall, Tržanka said that his daughter would not be sister Željko, until she decides herself when she will be 18 years old, if she wants to meet and be part of the life of Željko.
And when it comes to a family name, Miljana decided to rename Kulic, and not to charge Marinkovic.
Kurir.rs/Photo Printscreen

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