LIKE TO KNOW LICY? Here's what diseases often indicate sweating! | Lifestyle


  Sweat can often be the cause of serious illness
Sweat can often be the cause of serious illness photo: Profimedia / Stock

Will you sweat often? It may be time for you to listen to your body and understand what it means with excessive sweating.

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Research has shown that increased sweating often occurs in people with type 2 diabetes who take insulin. However, experts point out that sweating increases and when the blood sugar level drops significantly (hypoglycaemia). In addition, if you feel hungry, dry mouth and heart suddenly and very hard, you can suffer from hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia also occurs during sleep, for example, if you spend the night because of headaches, you are tired, and when you wake up, you still sweat.

Increased sweating may also indicate other dangerous conditions such as tinnitus with the nervous system, heart attacks, certain types of cancer, dangerous infections and anxiety. If you are often wet by sweating or sweating, even if it is not hot, you should consult a doctor to find out if there is a risk of illness.

Here is what your body always means with excessive sweating:

First Under the stress you

By the smell of sweat, you can easily recognize if you are stressed. When it is hot, the endocrine glands are activated which are on the body part and produce sweat composed mainly of water and salt and there is no pronounced odor.

When we are stressed, sweat produces apocrine glands that we only find on certain parts of the body such as the armpits. This sweat is made of fat and protein that mix with bacteria on our skin and create an unpleasant odor.

  Sweat can often be the cause of serious illness
Sweat can often be the cause of serious illness photo: Profimedia

2 Develop Positive or Frightened

] Research has shown that people in your neighborhood can recognize how you feel about the smell of your sweat. In one experiment, 36 women had to feel the perspiration patterns of 12 men who were looking forward to movies that were intended to make them happy or frightened.

When women felt the sweat of scared men, their scent provoked a reaction similar to fear and disgust. When they felt the sweat of happy men, this smell caused them a gentle reaction and osmys.

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Sweat can often be the cause of serious illnesses "m_id =" 360777 "src =" 1531412732 "/>
Sweat can often be the cause of serious illness photo: Profimedia

3. Causes Heat Haze for You

Walking during hot day and feeling at some point that you are not sweating and turning. What you have experienced is anhydrous, a condition in which you can not normally sweat and where your body can not "cool down" with sweat.

 Topao dan
Topao dan photo: Nebojsa Mandić

If you do not hydrate your body immediately with water, you are threatened with heat stroke. Take shelter in the shade or in a slightly air conditioned space and take the water. Never drink alcoholic beverages or caffeinated beverages as they cause dehydration.

4 Your blood sugar drops

The increase in sweating is one of the symptoms of the sudden drop in blood sugar. This problem will be easily solved by eating chocolate or sweets that you will find at your fingertips.

5. You are pregnant or enter menopause

If there is a possibility that you are pregnant or before menopause, pay attention to perspiration. Any processes in the body that affect endocrine composition can cause increased sweating. This is exactly what happens to most women entering menopause and struggling with vagal.

A similar thing happens at the beginning of pregnancy. Then, the hormonal changes cause a change in the "thermostat" of the brain, which allows to feel the heat even in heavily air-conditioned rooms and become more moist.

6 You have a hiperdriosis

If you can not find the cause of your increased sweating, consult the doctor because you may have hyperdriosis. It is a state of over-control and uncontrolled sweating that exceeds the needs of normal body thermoregulation. People who suffer from hyperdriosis sweat at times when they should not, for example, when the seat is completely silent in the cold room. Their perspiration is excessive to the point that in these moments sweat will move away from their palms.



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