LIVING WITH FAIR, PERFORMANCE UNDER THE NEXT OPENING: Follow the concert of the Croatian diva Nina Badrić! (KURIR TV) | Stars


Follow the live music diva Nina Badrić live from Hvar on and Facebook's Facebook page

photo: Promo

Spectacular scenes on stage from a hit change color, while Nina sings "My eyes full of love" she paints the emotion of this song in bright red.

21.15 The song "God will give us" followed the enthusiasm of the audience who watched the concert and boats exchanged, followed by the treatment of the famous song of Oliver Dragojević "In the l '; love of faith I do not have "the public singing unanimously with Nina.

photo: Screen Print

21.10 Nina went on the scene a little late, and the concert began with the number "Days and Years".

"Good evening Hvar and welcome, good morning to all those watching in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, send them the most beautiful picture of Hvar!"

Bina is ready for the show, and Nina Badric will leave her breathless with her powerful voice.

The singer and her team imagined that the concert is heard from both the continent and the ships under the stars, which will bring to all the participants a special feeling, which will surely be remembered for a long time.

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