Livno is waiting for Dalić – 40,000 people and of course Tompson!


Livno is waiting for Dalić – 40,000 people and of course Tompson

Zlatko Dalić is perhaps the greatest hero of Croatia, and after spectacular greetings in Zagreb, Split and Zadar, he is waiting for a special holiday.

Dalić will arrive in his hometown, Livno, a small town in the west of Bosnia and Herzegovina, announcing that 40,000 people will be welcomed

"Let's show the world how much our little Livno has of heart and how many Energy can we send? I want all the dignified and dignified entertainment that this region knows how to do, we do not leave our reputation and our dignity in question, we show everyone how proud we are of everything and everything ", Livny said.

The beginning of the program is scheduled for 19 hours at the stadium, and the main star will be the controversial song writer Marko Perković Tompson

Source: B92

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