LOVED IN CANADA: Young adventurers fall from the waterfall and die holy


Tanjug |

06 July 2018. 16:37 |


Police announced that three of them sailed to the top of the "Chenon" waterfall in the Canadian province of British Columbia when they slipped into the abyss and fell to 30 meters in height

who filmed video footage on their Jutjub chain during their travels, died when they fell in Canada from the top of the waterfall in the pool below, stumbling 30 feet

Riker Gembl, Alexey Lijak and Megan Skraper were part of the High on Life "in Jutjuba, where they" spotted "images of their adventure trips, was taken over by the BBC.

Read more: [19659006] SMILE LIVING: Captured While Driving and Killing (VIDEO)

"Police announced that all three swam to the top of the" Chenon "waterfall in the Canadian province of British Columbia when they slipped in the abyss and have fallen

The group has 1,1 millio n enthusiastic companions and more than 500,000 Jutjub users

. Group members recorded a video in which they emailed friends.

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