LOVING THE ALBANIAN GAMES: They kidnap the Serbian house and seek a ransom! | News


Kosovo Albanians do not give up their intention to expel the remaining Serbs from KiM. They went further, and by falsifying documents, they entered the land registry as the new owners of Serbian property! But this is not the end – when the Serbs are robbed, the Albanians ask them tens of thousands of euros to repatriate their homes, their apartments and their lands.
Behind this dirty game hides a well-organized Albanian criminal group, says Dusko Celic, professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Pristina and warns that the purpose of this dirty game is to completely expel the Serbs from the Kosovo and Metohija.

  Dusko Celic
Dusko Celic photo: Kurir

– The usurpation of Serbian property in Kosovo lasts almost two decades. The Albanians falsify the documents – falsifying purchase agreements or alleged proxies – they go to the land registry, under the control of the authorities of Pristina, and are registered as new owners – Mr Čelic added that many Serbs do not even know that their property has been removed. :

– The only way to get there is in the land registry offices, which often do not have physical access because these sites have been ethnically cleansed for a long time.

Thus, a Serb expelled from southern Kosovska Mitrovica found the Albanians at his home when he went to visit the homeland. They forged a sales contract, entered the land register as owners and asked for 40,000 euros to buy it back. In the same way, the property of the Serbian woman who was found after finding the tenants in her apartment after the false owners of the Albanians betrays him for 150 euros, was trampled in the same way.

– Any attempt at legal repatriation of his property is doomed to failure. It is a vicious circle in which the Serbs have no chance to protect their rights, because behind the kidnapping is a well-organized Albanian criminal group in which the authorities court, the authorities, the notaries and the employees of the cadastre are linked.

Explains that the erosion of Serbian property is easy to legalize:
– In 2009, Albanians passed a law on property that states that a person registered in the land registry as the owner of certain property, even if it is not, after 10 years becomes a non-owner qualified. The regulation on the legalization of the property authorizes the construction without proof of ownership of the land. The essence of the conflict in Kosovo is the struggle for land. And who owns the land, will have a state.

Biljana Bojic / Photo: EPA

Office for Kosovo and Metohija

Legal violence lasts for years

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija, headed by Marko Djuric, warns that the Kosovo destroyed and systematically usurped the property of Serbs and other non-Albanian populations for years:

  Marko Đurić
Marko Đurić photo: Zorana Jevtić

– Unfortunately, the judicial bodies under the control of Pristina are often depending on the Serbian liberation policy in the province, and the judgments are often carried without the presence of the owner false documents and false witness testimony. International organizations in the field are aware of these mechanisms of legal violence, which have not yet been decided.

Only one Serb was returned to the property

– more than 30,000 Serb families had fled KiM
– the value of their assets is estimated at at least $ 4 billion
– Less than 2 per cent of displaced Serbs have returned home to Kosovo
– Serbs have filed about 43,000 requests for restitution of property usurped in KiM
– Only one Serbian woman managed to rule on the verdict that a usurper was expelled from his property
– KiM Courts Delivered Over 18,000 Claims for Damaged and Damaged Property

19 years since the war of KiM
14 years have passed since the great Serbian pogrom in Kosovo
10 years have passed since unilaterally declared independence


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