Luka Lazukić at court photo and video


Luka Lazukić made a statement at the first base court in Belgrade, where the Nataša Bekvalac case was filed against him

Lazukić remained in court for about two hours, n? did not talk to reporters, the assistant of Natasa's team of lawyers said that he had responded to his lawyers, but that he did not want to answer the questions of Natasa.

Natasa announced in April that her husband had beaten her in their apartment in Belgrade, after which they were both heard. then they came separately and left the court separately, accompanied by their lawyers. Two weeks ago, they first met in court at a public trial

Lazukic is charged with the domestic violence offense for which a three-month sentence to three years of imprisonment was imposed

. : WORLD / Tijana Dušej Ristev

Natasa did not appear in court today, as he does not have the intention to testify, but the lawyer's attorney pointed out that Lazukić made a statement and answered questions from his defense lawyers . to answer the questions of the lawyer Nataša Bekvalac

Natasa will make his statement on September 17th at the next hearing

Source: MONDO / Tijana Risteva

Luka Lazukić, after two and a half hours of detention of the court, just passed the journalist and did not want to answer questions …

Source: MONDO / Tijana Risteva

Seeing an appearance in court

Lazukić was banned by a granddaughter with a daughter, Katja, who was only six weeks into the incident. After having been denounced by her husband for violence, Bekvalčeva was reportedly taken back from Belgrade to Novi Sad with little Katja and Han, her eleven-year-old daughter, married to Danilo Ikodinović. In one day, he returned to the music scene and started playing again

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