Makron and Vucic started talking in four eyes


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and French President Emanuel Macron began talks at the Elysee Palace. The head of the French state welcomed President Vucic, with military honors, the guards present, in front of the palace Jelisej, after which began a discussion with four eyes.

This meeting of the two presidents will take place on an important day, on the eve of a new dialogue in Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels, and according to previous announcements, Vucic and Macron will discuss bilateral relations, especially cooperation economic situation in the region. Brussels Dialogue and European Integration of Serbia

After the tenth anniversary of the talks, the presidents will be joined by associates during a working lunch that President Makron organizes in the honor of his Serbian counterpart at the Palais des Elysées. After lunch, the presidents will address the press. Vucic's visit to France is of great importance for Serbia, knowing that the last time a head of state was in Belgrade 18 years ago, the Shirk Law

Vucic On the eve of his departure for Paris, much was expected of the conversation. with President Macro. "I think this meeting is very important for Serbia, we did not have this communication during the previous period with several French presidents and their Serbian counterparts," said the Serbian president.

You can see the arrival of Vučić in the palace here …

HERE see how Vučić released the Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija.

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