Malaysian Seal Polio (3): a boy burns his face and arms (PHOTO) | telegraph


A three-year-old boy had burns to his face and hands when his 39-year-old man was polite to acid in a grocery store in Vorcester, UK.

The abuser was arrested and three others were arrested for the hearing and then released

A store where a child of only three years was swallowed with acid on his face and his arms Photo: AP / Tanjug [19659005] As alleged, the attack was considered intentional

At this point, we treat the assault as intentional. The incident will shock the local community and I would like citizens to undertake a basic investigation Trevis said

The number of attacks by acid has increased over the last year and some of these attacks were linked to clashes with criminal groups. ]! function (f, b, e, h, n, t, s)
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