– I did not wash my hair for 10 months – I praised it. I was not impressed or particularly shocked because, as we have already said, the "no poo" method has been known to us for a long time.
For those who need reminiscence, the "no poo" method means shampoo without shampoo.
I thought he was in this story too, so I voluntarily asked for the protocol: "What are you doing now?"
– Water – said briefly and left me in shock, which was a success because I thought I had really heard and seen everything.
Now the pure context works – Marko is a physically active guy, he trains rugby every day and leads an active social life. After such a day, he sucks and washes his hair, concludes that everything is fine and continues.
And just water, you ask yourself for sure. I asked him, of course, too.
– I try to be more ecologically conscious. I have not eaten animal products for a long time, and I decided to throw away all unnecessary chemicals – I said.
I know what awaits you – and that's me. If you do not use shampoo, you will certainly not use soap because it would not say that the soap is more "eco-friendly" than the shampoo.
– Wait and see how you feel when after a hard day Do you wash your hair with it? water? Do you have the feeling that it's pure? – I asked him – Yes, everything is most normal.The first two months were really agony, it was greasy, stinky, terrible.However, when he is cleaned, everything is fine now.Here, the smell, you see that he does not feel – m generously offered the hair of the head
I whispered to sniffers and, apart from the smell of dueling, I can not say that I smelled another smell
. We do not feel that. But I had another question that I was thinking about breaking up, and just tell me how to react if your girlfriend was going to wet your hair with your method? Would it be okay? [Br] – Yes, yeah, I would not blink. It would be difficult for me for the first two months, but we would be obsolete – told me through garbage
What I tell you if this is not that Marko is an ecologically excited person who does not have two weights, two measures. Good for him. On the other hand, I would be so ecologically uninvolved that I would not wash my hair for more than two days. Returns (19659021) function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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