MICHAEL AND ZORICA REVEALED: Sloba and Kija have plotted the plan at the White House, they will never divorce | Rewrite


21. July 2018 23:42 |

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Slobodan Radanović and Kristina Kija Kockar signed marriage divorce papers a few days ago and this situation was commented by colleagues

Slobodan Radanovic and Kristina Kia Kockar signed and c & Is precisely the situation commented by the collaborators in the evening edition of the show "Zadruga – Narod pita"

Ognjen Nestorović welcomed Lepog Mica, Zorica Marković and Zoran Stefanov who commented on the love triangle that marks the first season of the "Cooperative" 19659005] NEW WAR AT THE ESTRADA MANAGEMENT FAIR: Karleusa brushed brutally by Karea

– In the biggest attacks that Luna and Sloba had when they were still a little pig, but the one, the parents gave them the greatest support, for the love "and so on. We did not have a percentage of the 70 participants who had Kia alone. They did not not divorced, they have already signed papers, and they will never be divorced, "said Mica.

Zorica pointed out that Kia and Sloba had a secret agreement in the White House, which no one had ever understood. : Free does not want to divorce, but does not deserve the third chance

– And I do not think she's going to divorce. He said: "The first career and the baby," he said, "Markovic said."

– He is not lost, he is aware of everything. It would have been lost with the moon, "adds Mica.

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