Mickoski promises changes? | Region


million. Stancic |

July 15, 2018 20:15 |

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On the protest march of the Macedonian opposition, the VMRO-DPMNE leader strongly condemns the authorities for "selling the name Macedonia"


The leader of the conservative opposition VMRO-DPMNE a protest march in Kavadarci severely condemned the authorities led by social democratic leaders (SDSM) and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev for political betrayal and sale "of the name Macedonia that sounds good and different from the others."

– We have no other alternative. We do not have a choice and must be like that. Looking back, we will see that the only choice is to believe in ourselves and our own abilities. And that we are aware that it depends on us how we are going to live. We must fight and have a vision. We must make our lives worthy ourselves. We know how, we will work hard every day until we reach our goal. To make the citizens of this country of the Republic of Macedonia gordy and dignified, raised his head. READ MORE: Macedonia celebrates a call to NATO tonight in 19 cities

Following criticism from the current Macedonian-Albanian coalition government A Skopje, he quotes examples of poor policies in diplomacy, economics, health, education and agriculture, which he says are at the lowest levels.

Mickoski said that changes could occur.

– The luster of hope is Macedonia and VMRO-DPMNE, which stands proudly and announces – "we are coming". AHMETI ANNOUNCED THE "PACKAGE" OFFICE

Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the Democratic Integration Union (DUI) in power of the SDSM coalition partner in the Macedonian government, in a statement on tyrannical television "Ora njus", said that the strategy aims to formalize the law on the use of languages ​​in the country (by which Albanian and Macedonian would be officially on the whole territory) and the ratification of the agreement with Greece. Republic of North Macedonia

– I think that there is an important moment even in the package and the law on the use of languages ​​and agreement with the Greek party to get into force at the same time, said Ahmeti. this process in order to reach a compromise with the Greek side. "And this solution is very important because it is one of the main conditions of the country's accession to NATO …

Rejecting the decision of the head of the l 39 State, George Ivanov, to promulgate the two controversial laws, Ahmeti called it "big mistake."

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