Mihajlovic: From here the end of the year, on the roads of 53 million vehicles, the toll will not rise


"Our country benefits, the citizens who live there benefit because we really have 20 million more, 53 million vehicles are expected by the end of the year," said Mihajlovic in the morning. RTS Dnevnik

  Freeway, Traffic

She pointed out that Serbia is today a country that finishes almost every year tens of kilometers of motorways and the fastest transit route north-south -est-west

roads much faster than going through Bulgaria and Romania. More than 150 kilograms The kilometer traveled speaking of highways, and 315 kilometers in the railway, Serbia is a shorter route than when it passes through other countries, and I am proud of the fact that we have managed to restore this traffic in other corridors. "She said.

She said that" Corridor 10 "was almost completed, with the exception of twenty kilometers through Grdelica and Sicevo, and pointed out that the state had done a lot in this. According to him, this can be seen by the number of vehicles, because no one would go this route to be the most modern.

Mihajlovic added that it is necessary to improve the Highway, to establish rest areas, so that all those who go to these areas decided to go through Serbia, because "the road is not only a road, but everything else from elsewhere. "

When it comes to raising toll prices, she said the government had not thought about it until now. tolls are not a subject for the Government of Serbia, there is no discussion about it, and there will be no increase in toll prices, the priority is the const new and maintained. She also pointed out that traffic jams are common in Europe, not only in Serbia, because the rehabilitation and maintenance of roads must take place in Europe. "We should be proud to have good highways, but they need to be maintained, which is not possible in cold, warm weather. The reason for the crowds is the increased number of cars across our country precisely because we have good roads today. I advise all drivers to use electronic tolling as this greatly speeds up the traffic, "said Mihajlovic.

She also stated that the new round of investment, a value of five billion euros, is expected to complete the works .. works on new highways

"We have everything prepared for the new round of investment. So, when I say that the new investment cycle begins, it means that work begins next year. She stressed that it is very important that Serbia be crossed by highways and stressed that it is strategically very important to leave Serbia on the port and the sea through Albania through Niš-Merdere- Pristina, which will begin to build next year. "

" We already have a guarantee in the budget of 200 million euros for this trip. Niš-Pločnik is the first section to work on, and then we go further, "said the minister.

She indicated that next year she will start working on the Moravian Corridor. 10 and 11.

"When you look at Serbia and the map of South-East Europe, Serbia is inevitable.It is now important that all possible infrastructure projects in the paths of iron and roads go through us, "she said." It is also important that the highway we are working on calls Corridor 11 at Bar Harbor, but also the rehabilitation of the Belgrade Railway. -Bar we will continue this.Last year, we finished 77 kilometers, we have 200 more, and I hope that next year we will have agreements on this subject " said Mihajlovic.

She added that she would meet the Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs in Podgorica on Monday. Montenegro to discuss the completion of Corridor 11, but also the reconstruction of the Belgrade-Bar Railway

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