Milan Stankovic: Japan has always fascinated me, and Tokyo in particular


For nearly ten years, as far as music is concerned, Milan Stankovic managed to pass from the young hope of "Grand Productions" to the artist who moves the frontier

The Last Single "Trans" he recorded a spot in Japan, counting millions of exams, and revealed in the conversation that he attributes his fascination for Oriental culture, with whom he seeks a duet, and he's really mad at Slavica Cukteraš

. Japan?

– Japan has always fascinated me, and Tokyo in particular. I went there to invite the leader of a Japanese fan club, which exists since 2010, specifically from Evrovision. I went with my equipment and my concept to do the Tokyo Trilogy, and the first part was the song "Trans". Two other songs are ready to revolve around the story, and I wanted to do something that no one was obviously doing in this area.

How to make the trend of folk singing slowly abandon this genre?

– I had the misfortune to appear on "Les Grandsons de Granda" but I can swim in all genres is my advantage, time, pop, hip hop and trep. I say "bad luck" because this contest automatically gave me a folk nickname, although I have never been one. As an artist, it is important for me to express myself differently each time.

Is it because of the song or the place where you shot a movie, but you make me think of a Japanese. Is this an erroneous impression or …?

– No, they've always compared me in Japan, and I can not prove to myself that my mother has not wandered nigga. I'm in street mode, and that's the most interesting thing I can bring from Tokyo. And 10 years ago, I was struggling to do something new and bring it to our scene, but I did not know it. I do not expect people to understand what I'm doing in advance, but after ten years, when it's a trend, people will find that Milan Stankovic has already done so.

You graduated from medical school and, in your youth, you worked at the health center. What impressions do you have of this time?

– It is the most humane profession and I consider that these professions deserve the most respect. Nevertheless, art has always been a place where I could as much as I want it today.

You have denied stories of aesthetic operations many times, but the tabloids continue to speculate on what you have changed on your face. . Does it bother you if you plan to add botox or hyaluronic acid in the future?

– I have nothing to cancel, but I have no one to fix it. Certainly, if I wish, I will do it.

Do you lack media to keep up, how did you do while you were Rada and were you the most popular party couple?

– So it's been so many years, I think it's more deplorable in general, mention this connection. I do not know if there is anyone else who, after five years, is talking about the same thing about the previous relationship.

It is reported that you are still a substation. How come you have not even managed to buy an apartment and are you one of those who earn all that they earn in their careers?

– The other bed and wallet are gone. I do not have an apartment in Belgrade or I do not expect such property. I do not want to be connected In terms of investment, to have such products, one must first have a gift, an idea and an ability, and then enough money to do all that. [196459020]

Were you really mad at Slavica? Ćukteraš when in "Friend the Long Shot" said Milica Pavlovic is a bigger star than you, how many portals were they wearing?

– Certification of the star that I hear Karleusa. Everyone below is not counted.

Karleuša recently congratulated you and told you that you have always been creatively unreal. How much does it mean to compliment her?

– I love Karleus, because she's a Queen's business man. When I greet you, I think it would be a good idea to finally find a song and save this duet. We just wait for these songs to arrive and I think it would be mega. Our fans are constantly overwhelmed by messages and expect us.

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