Milić Vukasinovic's wife about TRAGEDIA: We left her to steam for food and she bought HEROIN


Maja Avdibegović (35), ćerka Milić Vukasinović former drummer of the "White Band" and leader "Fire Kiss", committed suicide in the Lake District of Sarajevo yesterday evening around midnight. The shocked musician still can not believe what happened, and his wife Suzana said that Maja was in the last days in a bad mood and that nothing was happening. had shown tragedy.

– I do not know how to give you I answer the question of why she was killed. We arrived last night from Sarajevo, we were there with her for 10 days. At 11 pm we arrived in Belgrade and at 12 o'clock she did what she did. Nothing stuck on it. That day we spent together, was morose and cheerful, and no one thought anything could happen. Nobody knows. She went to work, the last time she accepted everything she told him and advised him. We left her to buy food in the morning and she probably bought a pure heroine – Suzana was shaken.

– When we discovered it, Milic and I could not talk on the phone, let alone something else. We are in shock. And I was a parent and I experienced it in a hand like hers. We had two such relationships. Milic still does not know what happened and what happened. Only when he leaves Sarajevo will he experience terrible pain – said that the wife of his roommate Suzana

Milić and Suzana returned to Belgrade because he had a scheduled game, and the plan was to return in Sarajevo after the event,

Milić and Suzana waiting for their friends to return to Sarajevo today Instagram, Instagram Printscreen, Facebook [19659009] [ad_2]
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