Military parade of Champs Yelisei on the occasion of Bastille Day


Standing in a military vehicle, accompanied by motorcycles, Macron led his second parade on July 14, France's National Day, while hundreds of spectators called him.

After last year's parade in the French capital that day This year, Mr. Macron called the leaders of Japan and Singapore, two Asian countries long-standing partners of France.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinz Abe, who canceled the arrival of devastating floods in the country, represented Foreign Affairs Taro Kono.

in the parade included about 4,200 soldiers, 220 vehicles and 100 aircraft.

During the parade, which lasted for more than two hours, and there were two drawbacks.

Demonstrating the capabilities of the French forces, two police motorcycles collided, while, on the other hand, airplanes from the acrobatic unit of the patrol air forces dispersed the wrong color in the French flag above Paris, Reuters

France, otherwise, mobilized about 110,000 members of the security forces marking the day of Bastille, but also on the occasion of the final of the World Cup, which will take place tomorrow in Russia.

The French hope that the holiday will continue tomorrow will face the Croatian national team in the final.

If France wins the championship for the second time, maybe tomorrow night, the fields of the Elysee will be filled with people.

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