Rihaliti zvezda Miljana Kulić became the mother for the first time and, as she reveals, she insisted that she is still in the hospital today because the baby wants to take

"I could still get out of the hospital today, but I still decided to go to the hospital today. to do tomorrow.I'm a hypochondriac, I'm very scared for Zeljko's health because he's initiated into rivalism. " Miljana says, adding:

" His blood is gone, all the tests worked and his health was ideal, everything is fantastic, I want to go see a psychologist and a neuropsychiatrist, that's what I asked him to do today. " she says , and wrote "Blic"

Otherwise, despite the lack of good relations, Miljana Kulić to Ivan Marinković to see a son

"The video was it Željka, and while he was there I did not feel anything. It seemed that some doctors and technicians came to congratulate me on the birth of Željka. If he decides to be a caring parent, I will still allow him to see the child, but our point is put on our bond. " [son] message
