July 30, 2018 8:30 pm |
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Milić Vukašinović muža Avdibegović ispratio na ćerku
ČERKA jedinica Milića Vukašinovića Maja Avdibegović (35), koja je izvršila suđenje noći između 24. i 25. jula, Sara Bara Cemetery, in the presence from the saddened father, mother Vera, first wife of the rocker, his current wife Suzana, family members, friends and colleagues, including singer Mladen Vojicic Tifa and former bassist "Bijelo dugme" Zoran Redzic. Vukasinovic gave a shocking speech at the funeral. Visibly depressed, he managed to read:
– Dad's star could have touched the sky with his talent, his visions and his charisma, but, unfortunately, it was not given. She chose bad heaven and unhappiness, so she is buried here now. For sadness and pain there is no dilemma, pain is the strongest pain when tears do not exist. Now I want to die terribly, and my grave is in your eyes. Be it a country of light, a daddy's star.
READ: The daughter of Milica Vukasinovic suffers from the separation of her sons
Vera, the sick mother of the mother who died in a wheelchair, died in a chapel. Rescuers provided him with the crowd. Milic Vukasinovic 's daughter was found dead in a friend' s apartment Tuesday night, and early results showed that she had been the subject of a drug overdose. or narcotics. According to Mica's wife, Suzana, the latest information indicates that the cause of death is suffocation due to vomiting.
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