



07/18/2018. Milos Vukomanovic and Snezana Rudinac “/>

<img class = "editorPlugin" src = "http://www.alo.rs/resources/ images / 0000/140/236 / 11Milo% C5% A1% 20Vukomanovi% C4% 87% 20i% 20Sne% C5% BEana% 20Rudinac,% 20foto% 20facebook_1000x0.jpg "alt =" Milos Vukomanovic (25 years old) from Zvecan, died in Prekmurje in Becici, reportedly killed a girl of a famous hotelier on Sveti Stefan

19659007] They wanted to win a bribe, Milos Vukomanovic and his fiancee Snezana Rudinac, Photo: facebook

The police arrested EA (23), who met Milos and his fiancee Snezana Rudinac (24) of Kraljevo

O, Dear God, OUR ANGEL OF ANGELS … The boy (5) is a UMRO WITH SPACE on the face, and because of what happened next, you will not go for your payday T!

Snežana is in life danger and she is hospitalized in Risan, Intensive Care Unit

Milos and Snezana crossed the boulevard when they met a vehicle in the Budva registration. The young man died on the spot while the girl was seriously injured. According to unofficial information, they met Budvanka E. A, a daughter of a former policeman and owner of a famous hotel on Sveti Stefan.

PRAYERS, UNFORTUNATE! The authorities of Pristina spoke about Milos who died in Becici, WHEN you see what they said

She would have run at a speed of 120 kilometers at the time when she met a young couple

  Milos Vukomanovic and Snezana Rudinac [19659015] Milos Vukomanovic and Snezana Rudinac Milos Vukomanovic and Snezana Rudinac worked in the luxurious hotel in Budva, Photo: facebook

Milos and Snezana had been in a couple for four years and were convinced in September of last year. They went to Montenegro a few months ago and worked in Becici in season

The Montenegrin police administration announced that the police had immediately arrested the girl EA (23) who was driving the car and crossed it

UP OF HOROR! DO SURVIVE DAVOL, and the way they did it and what happened after it was so scary that you were going to fight!

Milos Vukomanovic's parents are desperate and Milosevic Guta's father said that his son and Snezana went to Montenegro to win a wedding and a place.

– We heard … They were taken by the girl while they were back from work. We do not believe that our Milos has disappeared – said the father of a hungry young man.

They were great workers

They did not want to comment on the luxury hotel in Budva, where Milos and Snezana were working. workers. In a luxury hotel in St. Stephen, supposed to hold the father of a girl who killed a young man, they did not want to make statements

– We did not want to interfere with their plans, as parents from Snezana. They planned to make a wedding and rent a restaurant in Kraljevo. We just wanted them to be happy – said his father, while his voice was shaking.

TRAGEDY IN JAGODINA The doctor was informed after the SWEDISH DEATH in the pool: When we arrived, we found OVO!

  The scene of the accident in Bečići

Accident in Becici, Photo: Podgorilski Vremeplov, facebook

The parents want to transfer the body of Miloshevo to his place d & Origin and bury it

– We can not transfer it to Kosovo and Metohija, because there were no papers from Kosovo. Milos was born in Kosovska Mitrovica and is a citizen of Serbia. They told us that at the Kosovo Embassy in Montenegro. We want to bury our son here – said the father of a dead man.

AU, ALA IS THIS PATIENT! The wife NAPAO ROJ BEČA, then the firefighters came to help him, and then HAOS came out! (VIDEO)

Miloš studied the hotel business in Vrnjacka Banja and worked last year in Becici. Both worked in the same hotel. He went to Montenegro on April 1 and planned to stay until November


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