Mina OPLELA by her mother because she had SEKS with her former colleague!



07/14/2018. 22:42

Ivana Vrbaski, mother of the former Vrbaski Mine cooperative, exchanged messages with the former tenant Bela, Borom Santana

  Mina Vrbaški

Mina Vrbaški , Photo: Printscreen / Pink [19659008] Anabela Atijas did DRASTIAL TRANSMISSION, you would never recognize it

In the midst of rumors that Nina and Bora had an intimate action

Mina Vrbaški commented on the whole situation between her mother and his former cousin.

"So, my mother is a fool, immediately to say!" At first she asked me what to do, I told her not to throw anything away, not to talk about it and she did it. contra Now he says to me, "Alas, I'm mad, it's their story, let's do my job, mine, so I do not care anymore about Bot," says Mina.

That looks like Goce Božinovska's daughter who is married and Shayama!

She found out if she would accept Bor Santana for her father, if this colleague's romance with Minina's mom moved into something more serious , and Vrbaški said that she would have no problem with Santana being a stepfather.

The cameras are NASMEJANA, and now the neighbors are discovering that Marija Šerifović is the only one who is in love with us behaving according to them

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