Minister David Bregzit has resigned


  BBC in Serbian - B92

The resignation took place the day after Prime Minister Theresa Mej provided government support for the UK's exit plan for the EU.

Source: BBC

  David Davis has been appointed minister for 2016./Reuters [/ /] dewvid Davis was appointed minister for 2016./Reuters [/ url] </p>
<p> british British for Bregzit David Deyvis, who led the negotiations with the United States. European Union last night of the government. </p>
<p>  Davis writes in Prime Minister Mej's letter that his plan for Bregzit, which the government backed on Friday, "best leads the country into a weak bargaining position". </p>
<p>  Mej replied that he did not agree with this note, but thanked him for his cooperation. </p>
<p>  Davis wrote in a letter that "the current political and tactical trend reduces the likelihood that Britain will leave the customs union and the European common market" and warned that such an approach would only that lead to new concessions in Brussels. </p>
<p>  "At best, this strategy will lead us to a weak bargaining position that we probably will not be able to repair," wrote Davis, who was appointed minister in 2016. </p>
<p>  Mej replied "no d & # 39; agreement "with such an assessment of the policy adopted by the government Friday. "</p>
<p>  She said that she was" sorry "about her resignation, but to" thank her warmly for everything she's done … about setting the exit strategy for the # " EU "</p>
<h2 class= " Absolute haos "

Boun praised Davis' resignation as an" act of principle and courage ", adding that" the Prime Minister's plan for Bregzit, which by its very name is unacceptable "

Labor leader Giorami Korbin said the prime minister" is unable to carry Bregzit ", while his colleague, Labor leader Ian Lever, said the" absolute haos "were being directed and the prime minister "[was] without authority."

Analysts believe that Davis, who advocated a strict approach in EU negotiations, could not maintain this position after Mey had opted for a "soft" variant in which the Great Britain would remain in the customs union.

Davis will have to he replace Majkl Gov, currently Minister of the Environment.

Source: BBC News in Serbian

©   BBC in Serbian - B92

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