Minister David Bregzit has resigned


  David Davies

David Davis was appointed Minister in 2016.

British Prime Minister David Davies, who had talks with the European Union, left the government at night last

Prime Minister Majee wrote that his plan for Bregzit, backed by the government on Friday, "best brings the country into a weak bargaining position."

Mai replied that she did not agree with this estimate, but thanked him.

Davis stated in a letter that "the current political and tactical trend reduces the likelihood that Britain will abandon the customs union and the European common market" and warned that such an approach "would not would only lead to new concessions in Brussels. " This strategy will lead us to a weak bargaining position, which we probably will not be able to fix, "wrote Davis, who was appointed minister in 2016.

May she replied She said she was "sorry" for the resignation, but that she "thanked him warmly for all that he did … to create an exit strategy from the EU." [PowerswitcherPeterBowenasassetsDiscovery'smissionasa"principleanddecourageacted"andaddedthat"thefirstprimeministerfortheregionisonlyacceptable"

Corbin said the prime minister was "unable to implement the Bregzit", while his colleague, Labor leader Ian Leveri said that "absolute chaos" dominates and that the prime minister " remained unauthorized. "

He advocated a strong approach to EU negotiations, he could not keep his position after may has decided to be u no "sweet" variant, in which Britain would remain in the customs union.

Davis should replace Michael Gow, He is currently Minister of Environmental Protection.

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