Montenegrin Minister: Sending the army to Kosovo is not an enemy act. | Policy


MONTENEGRIN Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic said that sending Montenegrin soldiers to Kosovo represented the fulfillment of international obligations, and that this was not a hostile act towards Serbia [19659002] – There is nothing unfriendly about it. Montenegro is committed to respecting its international obligations, thus contributing to the stability of the region. The deputies of the Montenegrin Parliament adopted last week a decision to send up to 40 members of the Montenegrin Army to the international mission of "determined support" in Afghanistan and to two officers of the Montenegrin Army. KFOR General Staff, Kosovo [19659005] Read more – Minister of Montenegro: We are sending an army to Kosovo-Metohija, because that is correct; We did not betray Serbia because we are not Serbia

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin estimated that "two Montenegrin army officers come to KFOR to support the Kosovo, without protecting the Serbs. " He considers that the decision of Podgorica is "not a friendly act":

– The basic order was to consult Serbia. When you are neighbors, it makes sense to take into account the interests of the one who lives next to you, and it is not when you send officers without asking Serbia to knowingly defend KFOR's neutrality in saying that Kosovo is a state.
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