Montenegro and Tramp | Mondo Portal


Could Montenegro start the Third World War? Hypothetically, in this world everything is possible.

After all, Montenegro, let's take a quick leap, has been at war with Japan for over 100 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Montenegrins declared war on Japan to show their proximity to the "mother of Russia", which Japan had already attacked in Russia.

Montenegro's real participation in this war was reduced to a handful of Montenegrins. army. The Japanese victory won the war, and the peace agreement between Russia and Japan was signed on September 5, 1905 in Portsmouth, England

However, the peace between Japan and Montenegro did not come to an end. was not signed and both countries officially remained in the war. This question was forgotten when Montenegro became part of the SHS Kingdom and it was only updated when Montenegro gained independence in 2006.

Of course, about this question and the "war that lasted 102 years", the jokes were filled, but despite the fact that there was no peace officially signed, the global circumstances have of course changed and the Japanese diplomats arrive in Montenegro have shown that they recognize Montenegro as an independent state and that relations are normal

Did you know, for example, that in Montenegro, at the foot of Mount Komovi, there are to a village called Japan The entrance to the village is a board written in Latin and Japanese characters? At the top of this village, the Japanese flag flies. The name was obtained because the Sun first settled on the southern slopes of the Komovi Mountains.

The village was discovered when the people of this village offered their help to Japan in March 2011 after a devastating earthquake and tsunamis. The Montenegrin government then sent 10,000 euros to Japan to symbolize the relationship between the two Japan-Asia and Europe

. Meanwhile, Montenegro officially became a member of the NATO Pact in early June of last year. The 29th member of the North Atlantic Alliance

The United States Senate voted 97: 2 for Montenegro's accession to the NATO pact, which will say that American support was unambiguous. And US President Donald Tramp congratulated the Montenegrins for joining this alliance and endorsing the "NATO values".

That same hobo Wednesday, in an interview with the American Fox TV Fox, gave a clumsy, reckless, and comic statement conveyed by all the media in the world, and this concerns Montenegro and Montenegrins.

The question was:

" Should the United States respond to a call to defend Montenegro, was it admitted to NATO last year? if this country was attacked? ". Specifically, here is how the TV Fox reporter asked Tramp:

" We are talking about Montenegro … why would my son go to Montenegro to defend himself when he was attacked?" "

Trampe Answer:

" I understand what you are asking me, and I have the same question: Montenegro is a small country with great people Montenegrins are powerful aggressive people They could become aggressive if they commit this aggression 19659013] Here we are the Third World War "

This Tramp statement, at least strange, has provoked mockery all over the world. [19659002] First of all, it is not a member of the Alliance who just founded America.The mountain is really a challenge The third world war is in the ranks of science fiction!

The Tramp Declaration has found space in many media, including Si-En-En (CNN) with respect to Montenegro , "(in an ironic tone) addressed relations between Russia and Montenegro and the possibility that these two Countries, historically close, would win. "" If Vladimir Putin thinks there is the slightest chance two European nuclear powers – France and Great Britain – will go to war to defend Montenegro, then Putin does not. Will not attack this small European country and if it does not attack Montenegro, there will be no third world war . Continue:

"The Tramp declaration implies that if Montenegro was not in NATO, it could leave the United States out of the wars of Montenegro and Russia. History and geography There is no theoretical chance that Russia will invade Montenegro without crossing the territory of at least three NATO Pact members. , the idea that a greater war against Europe would not automatically involve the United States in this country shows the ignorance of Tramp. Ukraine is bordering of Russia and this conflict remains limited, limited.Participation of several European countries in the effort to leave a country without restriction.America hopes that it could stay away, but for the conflict to worsen, this position would be unrealistic and the United States would join the war. "

CNN reproaches Tramp for e another dimension of ignorance. nature of the NATO Pact.

" The idea that Montenegro could attack Russia is in itself a comedy.The Russian army is larger than the entire population of Montenegro, and Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons Montenegro has a total of 1,950 soldiers and 13 helicopters, although Montenegro President Milo Djukanovic was ordering pilots to lift helicopters and cross hundreds kilometers to attack Russia, NATO would not be obliged to help Montenegro, "writes CNN. like this:

"" An attack on one of our members is an attack on us all "does not mean that" if a member attacks a country for no particular reason, all members will be attacked " [19659002] Other media believe the Tramp has underestimated NATO and actually undermines all the values ​​that the Alliance has created.

Of course, Tramp in an interview with TV Fox , complains the most about the United States.Costs of NATO (the United States give 22% of the total budget.)

" You know, it's not fair, these others do not pay. So, not only are we paying the most, but they are not giving money, and they are waiting for us to defend them. Add this to your question about Montenegro "Tramp is complaining in an interview with the US television network.

At a recent NATO summit, Trumo strongly urged criticized the other members demanding that the gross domestic product (GDP) "Tramp shouted

He also harshly accused Germany of being" totally under the control of Russia ", because it depends largely on Russia's gas and petroleum fuels.

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