Morbid! KEBE TAKES TO RELEASE THE FEED TO A BIZARAN PATH: Excuse the Born, he is the father! | stars


Dragana Kojića Kebu's court has long been labeled as Father Ine Jevremovic, whose mother has been for Ljiljan for years, and Kurir reveals that she was trying to avoid her paternity in her attempt to get away from it. escape his fatherhood to the late Roja Raičević!

In 2006, after the Fourth Belgrade Municipal Court made the irrational decision to establish Kojic Inin's father for the third time, he filed an appeal that almost resulted in Raičević's exhumation. , who died in 2001! In the text of the complaint, it is stated that "in 1998, and especially during the critical period of conception, the prosecutor Jevremović Ljiljana was in love with the daughter of Peric Zdravkovic and the late Roja Raičević" and that "this assertion does not make any difference. was not made since he considered that his paternity was not established, but now, when things went wrong, he decided to give the truth. "

When we invited people to comment, he asked us, without listening to the question, before hanging up the phone, grunting:

– I will not talk about Ljiljana Jevremovic!

The mother of mother INA, 19, confirmed our findings.

– I'm sorry, of course, this detail. From this point of view, it will sound funny to someone, but it is actually morbid. Keba had talked to several men, he was obsessed with jealousy because we were in contact, he thought I was wrong. When he mentioned that he was supposed to be deprived of Roy and do DNA analysis, I was shocked. I told the judges that Keba, as far as I'm concerned, can do DNA tests for all men in Serbia between the ages of 18 and 50 … I'm not afraid, but this gentleman will have to pay if he wants it. I think then the judge told him, "Well, why do not you do the test first, then we'll work if you're not a father," says Ljiljana, or a singer .


The lawsuit filed against former lover Kebe Jevremović on June 9, 1999, to prove that he was his father's daughter, lasted 16 years, while people were trying to escape his obligations in every way possible and impossible. He refused to go to DNA analysis 12 times, and because of the delay in the process, Ljiljana was sued by the State of Serbia in Strasbourg! Eventually, the Rh-factor-based court and the blood group found that Kojic was INA's father and ordered him to pay monthly support of 270 euros, then reduced to 210 because the defendant was providing proof of earnings. is not high.

There, however, was not the end – Ljiljana sued Kebu for the back alimony, while he claimed that everything was worth it. And just at the beginning of the money dispute, Keba broke up, so he provided the court with evidence that his property was diminished and that he was earning only 15,000 dinars a month!

– In my previous decision, I lived in a house of 330 square meters with his wife Ola, his son Igor and his daughter Natasa. Meanwhile, on April 2, 2013, I broke up. Now I live in a house of 100 square meters, which is my property. In my house, I live alone – he told the court in 2013. Keba, who lamented most of his property after the divorce, on an ex-wife, with whom he lives today! Ercegovčević / Photo



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