MORE GOCE GOES ON COURT: Irma sues John for insult and imitation! (PHOTO) | stars


Irma Sejranić announced that she was going to sue her "Ivica Marinković" couple for numerous insults and defamations in her account in the previous months.

photo: Printskrin

The Riyadh guest finalists shared the show "Meet the Couples" with Bojana Ristivojević and again fought back in a radical way. Marinkovic told him that he never wanted to go with Irma and that she was trying to do it.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

– I am at the very beginning of the riot video that she is a disgusting person and I have never wanted to communicate with her. She was trying to talk to me, but I did not know it. It's unreasonable for me, "said Ivan, and the cockroach and his support fell into the fire.

photo: Printskrin

– Are you vaccinated? Obviously you did not do it. You are an alcoholic. You have gained fame by having made the child in the rival! – Irma said and added that, due to the insult to her account, but also the imitation for which she was crying, she sent two lawsuits to Ivan.

photo: Printskrin

– We come to court. I will pursue John, there will be two trials. During the riots he had me, mimicked me, which hurt me. His ugly words have pointed at me, he called my family, "said Sejranic, and Marinkovic froze.

photo: Printskrin

Otherwise, during his participation in the revelation, many accused Ivan of being in love with Irma and that is why he was attacked.

– You have terrible frustrations. You are so theatrical in a bad way. Each part of the body moves towards you. You're only friendly when you hear it, "said John at one point, and she bumped into him:

– Ivana, I'm angry because I remember him in Goca Tržan. I think he's in love with me.

10 months ago "Couples"
26 years old to Irma
39 years old to Ivan

Irmi enters the career
Duet with Lepom Lukic

Irma Serjanić received an enticing offer during the "Meet the Couples" show. Namely, Lepa Lukic, who was also voiced, said that she would be happy to do the service of ex-girlfriend and record a duet with her.

– Honestly, I did not think so, but if it helped someone in my career, why not? I do not have the heart to say that I would not do it. Why not, with Irma I was in good relationships, "Lepa said. Stuparušić / Photo: Damir Dervišagić


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